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Tout ce qui a été posté par Grizzlitn

  1. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    Tous juste MH c'est bien lui le F5D Skylancer un grand bravo a toi MH dit moi tes en forme aujourd'hui
  2. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    bingo y'a rien a dire MH en fait c'est le POTEZ 56/560 BRAVO
  3. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    BRAVO MH c'est bien le YAK-25 Flashlight. UN AUTRE
  4. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    Je te le confirme que ça pas été facile a trouver :D
  5. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    Merci pour l'indice Jojo :D J'ai trouver c'est le SNCAC NC.1071 et c'est le premier biréacteur français. :D Et il vola pour la première fois le 12 octobre 1948 Construit par la SOCIÉTÉ NATIONALE DE CONSTRUCTIONS AÉRONAUTIQUES DU CENTR
  6. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    navire expérimental Stiletto UN LIEN SUR NOTRE FORUM OU EN PARLE DE CE NAVIR
  7. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    c'est ce que j'ai trouver sur le net tin une photo de l'avion en question et oui mail malheuresement il perdu face au su-25 si je ne me trompe pas
  8. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    il-102 Un nouveau deal facile
  9. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    on peux le voir comme ça l'ami ;) si tu veux je suis un peux nostalgique de la conquête spatial soviétique :D
  10. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    Mikoyan-Gourevitch MiG-105 "Spiral" Bravo jojo (lo savoyârd) c'est bien le MIG-105 Spiral :D Intéressant ce truc, un véhicule spatial donc ? En fait Daj c'est un corp portant utilisé pour étudier les navet spatial. Il a été employer par les américain pour leurs navette spatial. et voila une autre photo avec en prime une vidéo du MIG-105 en vol
  11. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    L'USS cairo de la guerre de Sécession? Un cuirassé à coque en fer de la classe city.
  12. Grizzlitn

    Air quiz

    Bravo actyon c'est bien le cockpit du mig-15
  13. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    Alors pour la petit histoir avec le titanic c'est grace Robert Ballard RMS Titanic In the summer of 1985, Ballard was aboard the French research ship Le Suroît, which was using the side scan sonar SAR to search forTitanic's wreck. When the French ship was recalled, Ballard transferred onto a ship from Woods Hole, the R/V Knorr. Unbeknownst to some, this trip was financed by the U.S. Navy for secret reconnaissance of the wreckage of two Navy nuclear powered attack submarines, the USS Scorpion and the USS Thresher, which sank in the 1960s, and not for Titanic. Back in 1982, Ballard approached the Navy about his new deep sea underwater robot craft, the Argo, and his search for Titanic.[4] The Navy was not interested in financing the search for the large ocean liner. However, they were interested in finding out what happened to their missing submarines and ultimately concluded that Argo was their best chance to do so.[4] The Navy agreed it would finance Ballard's Titanic search only if he first searched for and investigated the two sunken submarines,[4] and found out the state of their nuclear reactors after being submerged for such a long time,[4]and whether their radioactivity was impacting the environment.[4] Ballard was placed on temporary active duty in the Navy, in charge of finding and investigating the wrecks. After the two missions were completed, time and funding permitting, Ballard was free to use resources to hunt for Titanic.[4] After their missions for the Navy, Knorr arrived on site on August 22, 1985,[5] and deployed Argo. When they searched for the two submarines, Ballard and his team discovered that they had imploded from the immense pressure at depth.[6] That implosion littered thousands of pieces of debris all over the ocean floor.[6] Following the submarines' large trail of debris led Ballard and his team directly to both of them[6] and made it significantly easier for them to locate the submarines than if they were to search for the hulls directly.[6] Ballard already knew that Titanic imploded from pressure as well, much the same way the two submarines did, and concluded that it too must have also left a scattered debris trail.[6] Using that lesson, Ballard and his team had Argo sweep back and forth across the ocean floor looking for Titanic's debris trail.[5] Ballard's team took shifts monitoring the video feed from Argo as it searched the monotonous ocean floor two miles below. In the early morning hours of September 1, 1985, observers noted anomalies on the otherwise smooth ocean floor. At first, it was pockmarks, like small craters from impacts. Eventually, debris was sighted as the rest of the team was awakened. Finally, a boiler was sighted, and soon after that, the hull was found. Ballard's team made a general search of the vessel's exterior, noting its condition. Most significantly, they confirmed that Titanic had split in two, and that the stern was in far worse shape than the rest of the ship. Ballard's team did not have much time to explore, as others were waiting to take Knorr on other scientific pursuits, but his fame was now assured. Ballard originally planned to keep the exact location a secret to prevent anyone from claiming prizes from the wreck. He considered the site a cemetery, and refused to desecrate it by removing artifacts from the wreck. On July 12, 1986, Ballard and his team returned on board Atlantis II [5] to make the first detailed study of the wreck. This time, he brought Alvin, a deep diving submersible that could hold a small crew. Alvin was accompanied by Jason Junior, a small remotely operated vehicle that could fit through small openings to see into the ship's interior. Although the first dive (taking over two hours to dive down) encountered technical problems, subsequent dives were far more successful, and produced a detailed photographic record of the wreck's condition.
  14. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    ouiiiiiiiiiiii c'est bien lui Xray bravo
  15. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    merci pascal c'est bien le USS Tunny en fait je l'ai confondu avec le sub japonais I-400 ce sous marin a un lien avec la découverte du TITANIC
  16. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    cette fois j'ai le nom du missile qui tiré depuis le sub :D :P :D mais j'ai un doute sur le nom du sub :(
  17. Grizzlitn

    Navy quiz

    Juste une simple petit question pascal ce n'est pas un republic Ford JB-2 la copie américaine du V-1?
  18. Un avion qui transporter des footballeurs chiliens retrouvé cinquante ans après son crash En savoir plus sur Ce lien Ps: j'espère que l'on va retrouver aussi l'épave du 777 du vol MH 370
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