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Messages posté(e)s par TMor

  1. On lui donne peut-être de la visibilité, mais aussi des réponses. Je ne voulais pas le voir s'amuser à écrire des soupçons sur l'offre française, appuyés par un journal français, soupçons qui étaient fondés sur une interprétation faussée des chiffres disponibles.

    Sans contradiction, comme sur Starstreak, il est roi, tout le monde boit sa parole. Sur Keypublishing, on peut encore contrebalancer ce qu'il dit et démontrer ses égarements pour que les autres lecteurs les remarquent. Je crois qu'il faut le faire.

    Il me semble d'ailleurs qu'il ne soutienne plus vraiment sa thèse de départ.

  2. De ce que j'en tire par la traduction, c'est surtout des américains qui nous soupçonnent sans preuves juste parce qu'ils n'ont pas capté comment on a pu placer des sous-marins et les avions alors qu'eux ont les mains liées.

  3. Premier lien :

    "Compte tenu des contraintes rencontrées (...) et  de la nécessité de maitriser l'activité de formation du personnel navigant, (...) l'armée de l'air a décidé l'arrêt de la présentation technique de l'Alphajet".


    L'utilisation d'un appareil unique a un si gros impact ?


    Je suis assez d'accord. L'avion, sur le papier, a tout : un bon rayon d'action pour un monomoteur, de bonnes capacités d'emport, une avionique au poil au niveau de la concurrence.

    Et pourtant, il ne coûte même pas un F-16 dernier cri. Quelque part, je suis sceptique...

  4. @ Pascal :

    J'envisage de mettre ça, qui reprend ce qui m'a paru essentiel d'un point de vue étranger :

    I would like to bring here a little insight from people who actually have contacts at Dassault's or in the Armée de l'Air, contrary to some so-called journalists here whose indisputable knowledge of absolute Truth and whose will to show us the right path through the evil French PR's departements' fog make them inapte to write anything interesting on this thread.

    That's about the UAE deal.

    There is something which is sure here, for several reasons : UAE want Rafale, nothing else.

    They want it, because they love the Mirage 2000, especially the M2000-9 for all the panel of missions they can accomplish thanks to it. UAE have worked with Dassault for 30 years. For the Rafale, UAE want an improvement of the capabilities over the -9. And the technical and financial discussions between UAE and France are not to be mistaken with last minute talks like it's the case for "competitors". In spite of the Prince Zayed outrage in November, their negotiators have come back to France in 2012 to go on, and this is an evidence that they want the Rafale.

    However, these negotiators are highly skilled and vindictive, they behave as those who have the money with a seller who's giving them all the attention.

    And French commercials had to deal with this stance : "all or nothing". At any moment, they were threatened to loose it all, for even the less significant disagreement which would have deserved further discussions. Instead, UAE negotiators asked for the superiors each time. This is how it worked from the very begining, always under threat, and this has been very nervously tiring for many French commercials who came back to France.

    The Cheik's stance in November was, manifestly, an brilliant illustration of what I wrote above. Charles Edelstenne (Dassault CEO) had to move there personnaly, and UAE military personnels came back to Saint Cloud (a Dassault site in France).

    The contract now should be signed during this Spring, we don't know when yet, Emirates have demonstrated how much they could put pressure, but care about not humiliating an historic partner.

  5. OOOPS

    J'ai posté le lien sur Key Pub ... je suis désolé je n'ai pas résisté mais je suis resté extrêmement soft sur le commentaire introductif ...

    Vu mon éducation ET SURTOUT mon niveau en anglais  :-X

    :happy: Je ne m'attendais pas à te dire ça à toi !  :lol:

    Bon, allez, pardonné.  =)

  6. Si le rapport de 2008/2009 fuité en Suisse n'est plus d'actualité parce qu'obsolète, ce que pensaient les singapouriens en 2004 ne mérite pas qu'on s'y attarde davantage.

    Tu rigoles mais t'as dû remarquer qu'en 2005 comme en 2012, Lake répète "ouais mais de toute façon, le Typhoon rattrapera le Rafale dans 2 ans !"

    :lol: (véridique)

  7. Que doit-on penser de ça ?

    UAE Air Force, BAE Systems and Eurofighter deal

    Posted on: Tue, Feb 28, 2012

    The British side is said to have recently intensified contacts with the UAE Air Force (UAEAF) on a deal for the Eurofighter Typhoon. The following 440-word report sheds light on these contacts and tells what about the position of Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces General Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

  8. Avant de nous "tripoter le robinet" repensons à ce qu'était le Rafale en 2004.

    Bien entendu, Pascal.

    Mais les B301, 302 et C101 étaient en parti F2, avec la L16 et tout. Ca s'est vu à Singapour, et certaines capacités ont épaté, dans des scénarii plus complexes et réalistes que le 1 Typhoon vs 3 F-16 souvent décri par Lake.

    Il faut croire que Singapour n'avait rien à faire des promesses.

  9. Non mais il y a beaucoup de choses qu'on ignore sur cette affaire, et c'est bien normal !

    Ce qui m'étonne, c'est qu'à chaque fois, c'est la faute aux commerciaux ! EADS en Inde, BAe à Singapour. Lake va jusqu'à dire que Singapour a rejeté le Typhoon pour "punir". Alors quoi ? On a essayé une méthode alternative ?  :lol:

    The attitude of the blokes I spoke to was that the raw performance of the aircraft and the radar was such that they knew they wanted the jet, and that they could have waited for the rest to come along. Though it was Tranche 1 two-seaters that went to Singapore, the RSAF blokes also visited Warton, where they flew the active cockpit, flew the various rigs, and saw all of the bells and whistles that were going to be coming along. They reasoned that they might spend the first couple of years doing DACT with the rest of the RSAF, wiping the floor with the F-16 squadrons, before getting the capabilities that would then allow them to do a 'proper job.'

    The Typhoon's ability to beat F-16s and F-5Es in all of the scenarios they ran pleased them, as did the ability to go out and supercruise when they asked - and not having to wait for cooler weather. There was also the incident where the RSAF bloke was briefing the BAE pilot on the climbout procedure from Paya Lebar, which involved a complex series of turns to avoid Changi's traffic pattern and Malaysian air space. The BAE bloke looked at the map and just asked: "Why can't I just climb straight up, here?" That sortie they took off from PL and climbed almost vertically, hitting some incredible altitude before they'd crossed the airfield boundary.

    When the RSAF subsequently asked the other competitors if they could do the same, they couldn't.

    But at the end of the day, there was just too much risk that Eurofighter wouldn't be able to deliver the capabilities the Singaporeans wanted in anything like the required timescale (which was a good decision by the RSAF, since there's not the faintest chance they could have done!) and there was also a real desire to punish what had been a shambolic bid performance early on, hence the humiliating early ticket home.

    And ever since we've had to put up with Rafale fans crowing that they came second, and that Typhoon had come third. The truth was slightly different. The RSAF didn't seem to rate Rafale much back in 2004, and if they couldn't have Typhoon to play with, there was no doubt that they wanted F-15, their clear second choice.

    Il ignore totalement certains points de force, mais bon...
  10. Le soucis brésilien de ne pas conclure avant nos élections m'amuse. Est-ce qu'ils ont un soucis avec NS ? Parce que j'ai cru comprendre que les EAU n'étaient pas plus gênés que ça, eux.

    En tout cas, je trouve la manœuvre d'Amorin très normale. Faut voir, mais si on place 60 bécanes aux EAU, plus les machines indiennes, il y a peut-être moyen de réduire un peu l'offre (comme en Suisse ?). La partie de poker me paraît plus sereine maintenant, pas de quoi se choquer.

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