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Messages posté(e)s par xav

  1. USS Zumwalt Successfully Completes First Standard Missile Shot

    The USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) successfully executed the first live fire test of the MK 57 Vertical Launching System with a Standard Missile (SM-2) on the Naval Air Weapons Center Weapons Division Sea Test Range, Point Mugu, Oct. 13.

    As the first-in-class ship, USS Zumwalt successfully demonstrated its capability to detect, track and engage an Anti-Ship Cruise Missile threat with a SM-2. The structural test fire assessed the material readiness of the ship against shock and vibration of the weapon firing, as well as measure any hazards or degradations as a result of firing live ordnance.

  2. Pictures: French Navy’s First Air Defense FREMM ‘Alsace’ Starts Sea Trials

    The FREMM frigate "Alsace" started her initial sea trials on October 5th, setting sails for the first time under her own power from the Naval Group shipyard in Lorient. "Alsace" is the first of two air-defense frigates known as FREMM DA (Frégate Européenne Multimissions de Défense Aérienne) for the French Navy (Marine Nationale).




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  3. Unusual Submarine Likely To Increase Threat From North Korea


    The World’s only operational conventionally powered ballistic missile submarine (SSB) may soon emerge in North Korea. The Romeo-Mod submarine, also known as Sinpo-C, was first revealed on North Korean TV on July 23 2019. It will likely be armed with three Pukguksong-3 missiles which are the hermit kingdom’s best performing. So it will, on paper, pose a serious threat to U.S. and allied targets in the region. But how real is the threat?


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  4. Here is's September Monthly Recap. Our coverage focused on the United States and Europe this month.


    00:15 - Austal USA Launches USS Savannah, the 28th U.S. Navy Littoral Combat Ship
    01:14 - Germany Orders Additional RBS15 Mk3 Anti-Ship Missiles
    02:02 - Finland Progressing Towards Construction Of Pohjanmaa-Class Corvette
    03:04 - HMS Queen Elizabeth Welcomes UK And US Jets For Major Exercise
    04:20 - U.S. Navy Guided Missile Destroyer USS Delbert D. Black Joins The Fleet


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  5. 30FFM: Japan’s Next Generation Frigate Taking Shape At Two Shipyards

    Two Future Multi-Mission Frigates (FFM or 30FFM) are starting to take shape at two shipyards in Japan. Images and videos obtained by Naval News from local shipspotters show the integrated mast has been fitted. Both hulls should be ready for launch before the end of the year.

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  6. Finland Progressing Towards Construction Of Pohjanmaa-Class Corvette

    Finland's Pohjanmaa-class corvette program is making good progress. According to the Finnish Navy, the procurement contracts signed a year ago laid a solid foundation and the preparatory work is currently underway for the start of construction in 2022.

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  7. Par @PolluxDeltaSeven


    MQ-9B SeaGuardian Maritime UAV: Which Missions ? Which Customers ?

    MQ-9B SeaGuardian maritime tests flights concluded off the coast of California on September 11th. They can probably be seen as the next step toward a worldwide export success. Indeed, if the first variant of the MQ-9 Predator-B mainly served as an ISR platform for above ground missions, the new MQ-9B SkyGuardian/SeaGuardian is likely to find much more customers in its maritime variant.


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