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Messages posté(e)s par xav

  1. Russia to Develop ASW Variant of Project 22800 Corvette to Secure SSBN Deployments

    Project 22800 Karakurt-class corvettes will become the basis for the development of small antisubmarine warfare ships. They will reliably defend the Russian coast from adversary submarines. The small ships will make it difficult to track Russian nuclear ballistic missile submarines close to the naval bases where they are the most vulnerable, the Izvestia daily writes.


    Russia Laid Keel of Project 636.3 Submarines Ufa & Magadan for the Pacific fleet

    The Admiralty Shipyard laid two diesel-electric submarines of project 636.3 for the Pacific fleet. They are the Ufa and the Magadan. Russian Navy Commander-in-Chief Nikolai Yevmenov and Admiralty Shipyard CEO Alexander Buzakov participated in the ceremony, the shipyard said.

  2. @Yamato oui l’appellation EWC Early Warning Capability a disparu pour devenir MM Multi Mission (le /N c'est pour les version navale, sans c'est pour le terrestre). C'est purement marketing. Ce sont les meme radars.


    Another short delay for the Dutch Navy Walrus-class submarine replacement program

    The Dutch Secretary of State Barbara Visser still hopes to make a decision this year on the Walrus-class submarines replacement, she recently confirmed to the country’s House of Representatives.

    According to Dutch media which first published the information yesterday, the long awaited « B-Letter » will announce which company or companies will be allowed to participate in the definition phase. Some imprecise words that could mean a further delay in this 3.5 billion Euros program.


  3. French Navy eyes new training system for its VBSS teams

    The French Navy’s VBSS (Visit, Board, Seach and Seizure) teams will soon be able to improve their skills ashore with a new training module the French Armed Forces Ministry plans to build next year at the Toulon naval base (south of France), according to an RFP issued on Tuesday.

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  4. iXblue’s DriX USV successfully tested by NOAA scientists

    During the month of October, the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ship Thomas Jefferson integrated and operated a DriX, an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) created by the

    French technology company iXblue.
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  5. Kawasaki Launched the 12th & Final Sōryū-class SSK JS Tōryū とうりゅう – 2nd Li-Ion Submarine for JMSDF


    Japan's shipbuilder Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI) launched the 12th and final Soryu-class diesel-electric attack submarine (SSK) for the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF). JS Tōryū (とうりゅう) SS-512 is the second submarine of the class to feature Li-Ion batteries.とうりゅう-1st-li-ion-submarine-for-jmsdf/

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  6. Le LRASM va etre intégré sur B52...

    LRASM Gets Funding for B-52 Integration – Could Find its Way to the P-8A Eventually

    Lockheed Martin, NAVAIR and the U.S. Air Force will start working on the integration of LRASM on the B-52 following a budget allocation in FY 2019. In addition, fit checks of LRASM aboard the P-8A Poseidon MPA were carried out about a year ago.

    Contacted by Naval News, Capt. Will Hargreaves, LRASM program director at Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), said “Integration of LRASM on the B-52 will include work by both services [ed. note U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force] in a manner similar to the highly successful B-1 integration program […] This is not a new program. Integration of existing weapons on new aircraft provides flexibility to our warfighter as they continue to pace the threat.”
  7. petit scoop


    LRASM Gets Funding for B-52 Integration – Could Find its Way to the P-8A Eventually


    Lockheed Martin, NAVAIR and the U.S. Air Force will start working on the integration of LRASM on the B-52 following a budget allocation in FY 2019. In addition, fit checks of LRASM aboard the P-8A Poseidon MPA were carried out about a year ago.

    Contacted by Naval News, Capt. Will Hargreaves, LRASM program director at Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), said “Integration of LRASM on the B-52 will include work by both services [ed. note U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force] in a manner similar to the highly successful B-1 integration program […] This is not a new program. Integration of existing weapons on new aircraft provides flexibility to our warfighter as they continue to pace the threat.”

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  8. Some LCS starting operational deployment (at last)

    U.S Navy LCS USS Detroit Set Sails for Maiden Deployment

    The Freedom-class littoral combat ship USS Detroit (LCS 7) departed its homeport of Mayport, Florida, for the U.S. Southern Command area of responsibility on its maiden deployment Oct. 31.

    USS Detroit is the fourth Freedom-class LCS built by Lockheed Martin at Fincantieri’s Marinette Marine shipyard. It is the first LCS to deploy with the Longbow Hellfire missile as part of its Surface to Surface Mission Module.
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  9. Gulf Island Shipyard Laid Keel of First-in-Class T-ATS for U.S. Navy

    Gulf Island Shipyard held a keel laying ceremony on Oct. 30 for the future USNS Navajo (T-ATS 6), the lead ship of the U.S. Navy’s new class of Towing, Salvage, and Rescue vessels.




    Another "idea" that makes sense... En France il y a le projet de "mature virtuel".... il y avait eu des essais avec l'IT180 (captif) de ECA... mais la  DGA ne communique pas trop dessus

    U.S. Navy Tested TALONS Elevated Sensor Mast System from a Destroyer during NATO Exercise

    The U.S. Navy recently tested the TALONS system from Arleigh Burke-class destroyer USS Porter during Exercise Recognised Environmental Picture by Maritime Unmanned Systems REP (MUS) 2019.

    TALONS stands for Towed Airborne Lift of Naval Systems. It is a large, tethered parafoil kite that can carry payloads from a host vessel to 1,000 feet in elevation or more. During REP (MUS), TALONS carried a radar and radio-relay system provided by the United Kingdom in order to extend communication ranges between unmanned vehicles, ships and shore points.

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  10. China’s CSTC Starts Construction of 3nd & 4th Type 054 A/P Frigate for Pakistan

    A steel cutting ceremony for the final two Type 054 A/P Frigates for Pakistan Navy was held at Hudong Zhonghua shipyard in China on November 1st.

    Naval News understands that this steel cutting was for the third and fourth Type 054A/P frigates on order by Pakistan. A similar ceremony for the second frigate was held in December 2018 at Hudong Zhonghua shipyard.

  11. We just published Episode 9 - October 2019 !

    0:54 - USS Gabrielle Giffords LCS 10 Launches 1st Integrated RGM-184A Naval Strike Missile

    1:47 - Successful first sea trials for Philippine Coast Guard OCEA OPV 270

    2:18 - First British F-35B lands onboard HMS Queen Elizabeth

    3:15 - Naval Group Starts Construction of Amiral Ronarc’h – French Navy’s 1st FDI Frigate

    4:33 - USS Gerald R. Ford Returns to Sea Following Long Maintenance Period



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  12. India’s AIP system gets boost with operation of land-based prototype

    India's fuel cell-based Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system has crossed several milestones in technology maturity, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has announced.

    As previously reported, Naval Group India engineers are already working with the DRDO for the integration of an Indian designed AIP module. Initially, the 5th and 6th submarine should have received an AIP plug. But due to delays in the propulsion module design at DRDO, it was later decided that the AIP plug will be retrofitted to each Kalvari-class submarine during their first normal refit that occurs every 7 years.
  13. Russian Navy Icebreaker Ivan Papanin Floated in St. Petersburg

    The Admiralty Shipyard in St. Petersburg floated the Ivan Papanin lead ice-class patrol ship of project 23550.

    In terms of weapon systems and equipment, Project 23550 vessels are fitted with a 76-mm AK-176MA main gun; portable air defense systems; helipad and helicopter hangar able to accommodate a Ka-27 class helicopter and unmanned aerial vehicles; two Raptor high-speed assault boats of the Raptor type and one Project 23321 hovercraft. Last but certainly not least, the vessel can be fitted with a containerized version of the Kalibr-NK missile system.

  14. Australia’s Hobart-class Destroyer HMAS Brisbane Demonstrates CEC with U.S. Navy

    Using remote sensor data from U.S Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Stockdale, HMAS Brisbane completed a live missile engagement via the CEC off California. This was a first for the RAN. The event tested the combat system against a range of challenging targets and tactical situations.

  15. U.S. Navy Experimenting Ressuply of Submarine via Quad Rotor Drone

    Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMSUBPAC) in partnership with the University of Hawaii, tested their unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capabilities by delivering supplies onto a submarine off the coast of Oahu, Hawaii, Oct. 10.

    Newport News Shipbuilding Delivers Final Block III Virginia-Class Submarine to U.S. Navy

    Delaware (SSN 791) is the last and final of eight Block III Virginia-class submarines. The Block III submarines are fitted with the new Virginia Payload Tubes designed to lower costs and increase missile-firing payload possibilities. The first 10 Block I and Block II Virginia-class submarines have 12 individual 21-inch diameter vertical launch tubes able to fire Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles (TLAMS). The Block III submarines are built with two-larger 87-inch diameter tubes able to house six TLAMS each.

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  16. Quote

    As Electronic Warfare (EW) continues to shape the future battlespace, Northrop Grumman is advancing a critical capability for the U.S. Navy. The Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program (SEWIP) protects surface ships from anti-ship missiles, providing early detection, signal analysis and threat warning.

     Three SEWIP block upgrades have been established and a fourth is planned. SEWIP Block 3, being developed by Northrop Grumman and the U.S. Navy Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems (PEO IWS), adds electronic attack to the SLQ-32(V) EW system, and is a cornerstone capability that will meet the urgent operational needs of the Fleet. The timing couldn’t be more important, as the pace and complexity of emerging threats continues to escalate.

    SEWIP Block 3 on Track to Deliver Critical Electronic Warfare Improvement to the U.S. Navy

    BAE Systems to develop next generation towed decoy for US Navy aircraft

    BAE Systems announced on a $36.7 million contract from the U.S. Navy to develop and demonstrate a next-generation, dual band Fiber-Optic Towed Decoy (FOTD) to protect aircraft and pilots from advanced threats.

  17. ^ Bien vu @pascal , je vais tacher de me renseigner la dessus


    HII Floods Dry Dock in Preparation for Christening Of Aircraft Carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79)

    Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) began flooding the dry dock at its Newport News Shipbuilding division on October 29, where the keel of aircraft carrier John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) was laid in 2015.

  18. Il y a un an, à Euronaval, quand j'ai découvert cela dans le showroom Naval Group j'ai trouvé ça énorme...
    Mais depuis j'ai vu le projet Japonais au moi de mai:

    Et le projet Coréen avec, non seulement son mur video 360°, mais aussi sa table holographique (si si...) la semaine dernière :


    Après... un expert (ancien commandant de FDA MN) m'a expliqué que tous ces écrans c'est bien beau... mais ça ne va pas faciliter les automatismes et l'IHM au sein du CO. Pour lui, cela fait beaucoup trop d'écrans, et cela risque fort de nuire à l’efficacité au sein du CO (raison pour laquelle le "digital combat bridge" de la FDI n'est pas dans le CO mais dans une salle à part, placée juste derniere la passerelle).

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  19. Some more of our coverage at MADEX... I have to say I am REALLY impressed by the progress and advance the local industry is getting... some of the "established" shipyards, especially in Europe, should start to worry and invest way more in R&D

    MADEX 2019 Day 3 - Naval Defense Technologies by LIG Nex1

    Day 3 at MADEX 2019, the maritime defense exhibition held in Busan, South Korea. In this video we focus on LIG Nex1 who is showcasing current and future technologies for modern navies:


    1:03 - 75mm Poniard and 130 mm Biryong guided rockets system to counter swarming surface targets
    1:47 - SSM-700K C-Star Anti-Ship Missile
    2:15 - Red Shark Hong Sang Eo ASROC anti-submarine rocket
    2:39 - Red Dragon TSLM tactical ship to land missile
    2:55 - K-SAAM Sea Bow surface to air missile
    3:20 - Blue Shark lightweight torpedo
    3:46 - Tiger Shark heavyweight torpedo
    4:10 - Torpedo decoys
    4:58 - PIP Performance Improvement Program for Type 209 KSS I submarine of ROK Navy
    5:54 - LIG Nex1 Future Combat Management System (CMS) and CIC for KDDX destroyer
    7:14 - LIG Nex1 I-MAST proposal for KDDX destroyer of ROK Navy



    MADEX 2019: LIG Nex1 Proposes Futuristic CIC with Holograms for ROK Navy KDDX Destroyer

    EXCLUSIVE: At MADEX 2019, the naval defense show held in South Korea, local defense company LIG Nex1 unveiled its CIC and CMS proposal for the future KDDX destroyer of the ROK Navy.


    MADEX 2019: DSME On Track with KSS III Batch 2 Submarine Program for ROK Navy

    At MADEX 2019, Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) is showcasing a scale model of the KSS III large conventional submarine of the ROK Navy. The company gave us an update on the program, specifically the Batch II variant.


    MADEX 2019: New 2,000 tons attack submarine joins DSME portfolio

    At MADEX 2019 naval exhibition in Busan (South Korea), local shipyard DSME launched a new attack submarine design dedicated to the export market based on technologies developed for the ROK Navy KSS III submarine.


    MADEX 2019: DSME Continues Work on KDDX Design

    The scale model on display at MADEX 2019 is not new. It was unveiled many years ago and is well known. What’s new however are the various hull forms that DSME has been studying in the past years in order to optimize its KDDX design.


    MADEX 2019: DSME lifts veil on new DW2000L Light Frigate design

    DSME’s new multipurpose light frigate project features a unique flexible modularity design which allows the customer to easily build a tailor-made solution. « In the rapidly changing naval environment, it is only when you can cope with every tasks that you can win, » explains DSME. The Korean shipmaker is proposing four optimized models to meet the customer specifications in term of speed, range, length, crew and mission:


    MADEX 2019: Sea Sword II combat USV unveiled by LIG Nex1

    At MADEX 2019 naval exhibition in Busan, South Korea, LIG Nex1 is showcasing for the first time a longer and more capable version of the Sea Sword combat Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV).


    MADEX 2019: KAI’ Surion gets claws with Marine Attack variant

    The weapons package includes a 20 mm Gatling gun with 1,400 rounds, 2.75 inch rocket pods, two quad-launchers for antitank guided missile and two dual-launchers for the MBDA’s Mistral ATAM air-to-air missile. South Korea has been using the ground-based Mistral variant for a while.


    MADEX 2019: KAI pitching new Surion Mine Countermeasures Helicopter variant to ROK Navy

    At MADEX 2019 in Busan (South Korea), a new Mine Countermeasures Helicopter (MCH) variant is being pitched by Korean Aerospace Industries (KAI) to answer the ROK Navy requirement for a new airborne countermeasures capability - Naval News.


    MADEX 2019: HHI Unveils HCX-19 Concept Ship

    HCX-19 stands for Hyundai Combatant eXperimental 2019. It was created to show HHI’s vision of what surface combatants will look like in the 2030ies and its design relies on two concepts.


    MADEX 2019: HHI Unveils KDDX Design Concept for ROK Navy Future DDG Requirement

    HHI’s KDDX is 156 meters in length with a beam of 19 meters and a displacement of 6,500 tons. As far as weapon systems are concerned, HHI told us the design is fitted with 8x anti-ship missiles, 48x K-VLS forward and 16x K-VLS II aft. K-VLS II by Hanwha will be able to deploy new generation of missiles such as a new land attack cruise missile in development. On top of the helicopter hangar is a next generation CIWS currently in development with South Korea’s Agency for Defense Development (ADD) and which will be called “K-CIWS”.


    MADEX 2019: Hanwha Defense Unveils ASWUUV for Anti-Submarine Missions

    ASWUUV stand for anti-submarine warfare unmanned underwater vehicle. According to Hanwha Systems, it is a large displacement UUV dedicated to anti-submarine warfare missions. It is fitted with a fuel cell system as energy source, providing it with long range and endurance.

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  20. MADEX 2019 Day 2 - HHI, HCX-19, LPX-II, KDDX, Lacroix, Hanwha

    Day 2 at MADEX 2019, the maritime defense exhibition held in Busan, South Korea. In this video we focus on:


    0:48 - Hyundai Heavy Industries new HCX-19 concept ship
    3:00 - LPX-II aircraft carrier design for ROK Navy
    4:01 - Hyundai Heavy Industries new KDDX design
    5:11 - Lacroix Defense Sylenna MK2
    6:30 - TS TECH K-RBOC NG
    8:18 - Hanwha Systems I-MAST for KDDX
    9:38 - Hanwha Systems large displacement UUV ASWUUV
    10:23 - Hanwha Systems upgrade program for Philippines Navy frigate



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  21. MADEX 2019 Day 1 - DSME, KSS III, LIG Nex1 USV, Poongsan

    Day 1 at MADEX 2019, the maritime defense exhibition held in Busan, South Korea. In this video we focus on the South Korean naval defense industry:


    1:05 - DSME new 2000 tons submarine design
    2:38 - DSME new light frigate
    4:09 - DSME KDDX
    5:06 - DSME KSS III Batch 2
    5:44 - Hanwha Defense Li-Ion batteries for KSS III Batch 2
    7:27 - LIG Nex1 C Sword II combat USV
    11:08 Poongsan GGRM-5



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