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Messages posté(e)s par xav

  1. RAN Hobart-class Guided Missile Destroyer fires SM-2 missile in Australian waters for the first time

    HMAS Hobart (III) has become the first Royal Australian Navy Hobart class Guided Missile Destroyer to fire a missile in Australian waters. Hobart fired an SM-2 Standard Missile in the East Australian Exercise Area against an unmanned target during trials off the coast of New South Wales, achieving excellent results.

  2. UK Maritime and Coast Guard Agency wants drones for its SAR missions

    The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) plans to assess the potential use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) for SAR missions under a program named « Drone Demonstration and Development Project », a recent tender document reveals.

  3. Raytheon’s Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar successfully tracks first targets

    Raytheon and the U.S. Navy completed the first system-level tests of SPY-6(V)2, the Enterprise Air Surveillance Radar (or EASR), at the Surface Combat System Center at Wallops Island, VA.

    Two variants of EASR are being built: a single-face rotating array designated AN/SPY-6(V)2 for amphibious assault ships and Nimitz class carriers, and a three fixed-face array designated AN/SPY-6(V)3 for Ford class aircraft carriers and the future FFG(X) guided missile frigates.
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  4. ROK Navy to get Aircraft Carrier, Arsenal Ship as part of Ambitious 5-year defense plan

    South Korea's Ministry of National Defense (MND) unveiled on August 14 an ambitious mid-term defense plan for 2020-2024. In addition to known projects (KDX III Batch II and KSS III Batch II) the plan calls for the design of two new naval projects for the ROK Navy: An LPX-II aircraft carrier and an arsenal ship.

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  5. Navantia & BMT to Unveil FSS Design Proposal at DSEI 2019

    Spanish shipbuilding company Navantia will be exhibiting at DSEI 2019 and is set to unveil its design proposal for the UK Ministry of Defence 's Fleet Solid Support (FSS) programme alongside its partner, BMT.


    Il ressemble beaucoup au Tide-class / MARSS (lui même d'origine BMT déjà)

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  6. TADTE 2019: Latest Taiwanese Naval Projects for ROC Navy

    The latest Taiwanese naval projects were showcased at the 2019 Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition (TADTE) which was held this week in Taiwan: A new LPD project, a mine-laying ship and the flight II of the well known Tuo Chiang-class corvette.

    Aprés le "air defense LHD" du Qatar,  voici le "surface combatant LPD" de Taiwan

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  7. @ARPA @Fusilier concernant l'USS Enterprise (que l'on voit dans la vidéo), son destin est bel et bien scellé, il ne reviendra jamais en service. Il est déjà depuis quelque temps chez Newport News... en attente de "solution" pour le démentellement (ce qui commence à impatienter le chantier...) le problème  est comme toujours le financement. L'US Navy préfère pour le moment investir son budget ailleurs que dans le démantèlement (complexe et onéreux) du CVN 65... (tout cela m'a été expliqué par mon guide, Chris Cavas, ex-defense news, lors de notre périple à Norfolk en mai)

    • Upvote (+1) 3
  8. Un tour de la base navale de Norfolk

    Enregistré en mai cette année. Il y a une quantité incroyable de navires, y compris dans les chantiers... quand j'y étais il y a deux ans, une grosse partie des navires en ATM/IPER chez BAE Systems étaient sous cocon  (y compris les cruisers comme le Gettysburg)

    Idem pour les LSD classe Harpers Ferry. Ils étaient censés etre retirés du service  vu leur age... mais depuis il y a eu Trump et son plan de "355 ships navy".

    Finalement il n'y a pas que la marine Russe qui "fait du neuf avec du vieux"


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  9. UK & Norway Reinforce Commitment for Joint ASW Ops in North Atlantic

    The UK and Norway reinforced their commitment for joint anti-submarine operations in the North Atlantic at RAF Lossiemouth in North-East Scotland today.

    Defence Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan hosted Norwegian State Secretary Tone Skogen to discuss NATO and the UK’s role in the North Atlantic.

    The UK is investing £3 billion in nine new Boeing Poseidon P-8A maritime patrol aircraft (MPA), with Norway committing to a further five. The aircraft are sophisticated submarine-hunters designed to scout complex undersea threats.

    The aircraft will work together, and with NATO allies, to combat a range of intensifying threats in the North Atlantic, including increased hostile submarine activity.

  10. Silatronix secures ONR contract for Li-ion cells technology

    Silatronix has been awarded a $10.1 million contract from the U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research (ONR). The contract, entitled “Organosilicon Electrolytes for Safe, High Energy, High-Nickel NMC Li-ion Batteries” will focus on the use of Organosilicon (OS) electrolytes to improve the cycling stability of Li-ion cells using NMC622 and NMC811 cathode materials in combination with various state-of-the-art anode materials.


    U.S. Navy Issues Draft RFP for Large USV

    The U.S. Navy released a draft request for proposals (RFP) to industry for the development of the Large Unmanned Surface Vehicle (LUSV), on August 9.

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  11. BAE Systems Starts Construction on Royal Navy’s 2nd City-class Type 26 Frigate


    BAE Systems cut the first steel for HMS Cardiff, the second Type 26 City-class frigate for the Royal Navy, on August 14 2019.



    The cutting-edge frigates for the Royal Navy will replace the current anti-submarine warfare Type 23 frigates and provide advanced protection to the Continuous at Sea Deterrent and Queen Elizabeth Class aircraft carriers and offer unrivalled anti-submarine warfare capability.

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  12. Finnish Navy Pohjanmaa-Class Corvette Program back on track

    Finnish Navy's Pohjanmaa-class corvette acquisition project is proceeding well after having been delayed by a change of government and longer than expected contract negotiations. The Finnish Ministerial Committee on Economic Policy gave its approval for the continuation of the process.

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  13. Just now, Yamato said:

    S'ils reprennent la longueur de coque des unités sud-coréennes (classe Sejong de 165m pour 11 000T) ou japonaises (classe Atago de 165m pour 10 000T ou classe Maya de 170m pour 10 250T), il y a peut-être de quoi dégager un peu de marge avec au moins 10m de coque en plus en longueur.

    A qui appartiennent ces "designs" ? à NAVSEA ou aux industriels (HHI et JMU) ou encore aux "DGA locales" (DAPA et ATLA) ?
    Parce que si le design n'est pas US, un problème se pose...

  14. Advanced Arresting Gear Ready for All Props and Jets Aircraft

    The U.S. Navy’s newest aircraft carrier Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) system received the green light to recover all “props and jets” aircraft. The ARBs enable propeller aircraft: C-2A Greyhound, E-2C Hawkeye and E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, and jet aircraft: F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and E/A-18G Growler to perform flight operations aboard USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78).

    • Merci (+1) 1
  15. DDG 51 Burke Flight IV ? Flight IIIA ?

    Perso cela m'étonne... car j'ai eu écho qu'ils auraient déjà attend les limites de la plateforme avec le Flight III (en terme de poids, de stabilité, d'énergie etc...)

    Pourquoi ne pas utiliser le DDG 1000 comme base ?

    U.S. Navy Considering More Advanced Burke Destroyers as Large Surface Combatant Timeline Slips

    The Navy is looking at “something beyond even a Flight III” combat capability for its new-build destroyers, as its plans for transitioning from building the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer to the future Large Surface Combatant continue to evolve and the LSC procurement date continues to slide.

  16. U.S. Navy Fixes Propulsion Issues on its Newest Aircraft Carrier USS Gerald R. Ford

    The U.S. Navy declares its newest aircraft carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford CVN78, propulsion plant has "reached completion" over two years after the ship's delivery in May 2017. Major unspecified issues have now been fixed but the ship remains in the shipyard at Newport News Shipbuilding.

  17. Atmaca Anti-Ship Missile Fitted Aboard Turkish Navy’s 4th Ada-class Corvette

    Pictures posted on social media show the quad launcher(s) have been fitted aboard Kinaliada ( F-514), the fourth and final Ada-class corvette (MILGEM Project) of the Turkish Navy. The vessel was launched in July 2017 at Istanbul naval shipyard and is set to be commissioned later this year. It is the first vessel ever seen with the brand new missile system.

  18. Video: French Navy’s SLAMF Unmanned Mine Warfare System to be Qualified in December

    The unmanned surface vessel of the SLAMF/MMCM program carried out a demonstration of its capabilities in Brest harbor in June 2019. Testing with teams from the French Navy, French Armament General Directorate (DGA) and Thales is ongoing while qualification for the whole system (USV + payload) is set for December this year.

    • Merci (+1) 1
  19. Russia’s ATOMFLOT Orders 4th & 5th Project 22220 Nuclear-Powered Icebreakers

    Russia's Baltic Shipyard (Baltiysky Zavod) announced they have won a 100 Billion Rubles ($1.5 Billion USD) contract from ATOMFLOT for the construction of the 4th and 5th Project 22220 nuclear-powered icebreakers.

    Once in service, the Project 22220 (also referred to as LK-60Ya) will be the largest and most powerful icebreakers ever constructed. They have a displacement of 33,450 tons and a length of 173 meters.
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