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Tout ce qui a été posté par xav

  1. xav

    Le F-35

    USMC F-35B Lightning II Fighters Complete GAU-22 Cannon, Ordnance Hot Reload Training “Our recent F-35B strike rehearsals demonstrate the 31st MEU’s lethality and readiness to address potential adversaries. The speed that we can conduct precision strikes with devastating effects while providing close air support to our Marines is nothing shy of awesome. Bottom-line; the F-35B defines shock and awe!” Mouais
  2. xav

    Re : Marine indonésienne

    First Indonesian-Built Submarine to Soon Reinforce TNI AL Fleet 3 more on the way for a total of 6
  3. xav

    Armes laser

    Rheinmetall & MBDA to Develop, Test Laser Weapon for German Navy K130 Corvette ^ c'est moi ou bien MBDA a des projets de lasers en: - UK (Dragonfire) - Germany (avec ça) - France Des projets nationaux, indépendants les un des autres, sans partage de techno Manque plus que MBDA Italy et vous aurez la quadrature du cercle... Suis je le seul à trouver cela domage / étrange / dingue ?
  4. xav

    Marine sud-coréenne

    RoK Navy MOH Batch 2 Procurement: U.S. Approves Possible FMS of MH-60R
  5. xav

    Marine Britannique

    Dstl, Royal Navy Turn to Commercial Gaming Industry for Training Avis aux amateurs, la version "civile" sortie deja depuis quelques années vaut vraiment le coup
  6. Video: Colombian Navy Conducts SINKEX with Torpedo & C-Star Missile
  7. xav

    Re : Marine indonésienne

    Indonesian Navy Commissions its 4th KCR-60M – PT Pal Cuts Steel for 2 More
  8. Russia’s Nanuchka III-class Corvette ‘Smerch’ Upgraded with new Missiles & Gun
  9. xav

    Marine Philippine

    RoK Navy Po Hang-class corvette officially handed over to Philippine Navy
  10. @Born to sail celui dans la video... Belgian Navy Frigate Leopold I Set Sails for NATO Deployment
  11. 2nd Krabi-class OPV launched for Royal Thai Navy Un OPV avec des missiles Harpoons
  12. xav

    [Marine] Taiwan

    Video: Taiwan Armed Forces in Major Live Missile Drill
  13. xav

    Marine Britannique

    RFA Tideforce Joins Royal Fleet Auxiliary Completing UK’s new tanker fleet RFA Tideforce was commissioned with the Royal Fleet Auxiliary on July 30, joining her sister ships Tidespring, Tiderace and Tidesurge in providing fuel at sea to Royal Navy, NATO and allied warships.
  14. xav

    Marine allemande

    Faster and bigger: German Navy details future Type 707 oiler
  15. Australian LHD HMAS Canberra in First Amphibious Exercise with M1A1 MBT
  16. Naval Group Achieves Breakthrough with its FC2G AIP System
  17. Plus d'infos: French Navy SSN ‘Suffren’ Now in the Water at Naval Group Shipyard
  18. xav

    Marine allemande

    German Navy Selects NH90 NFH as Lynx ASW Helicopter Replacement
  19. xav

    Missilerie Navale

    Encore une contribution (de haute qualité!) de @PolluxDeltaSeven ! Sharing our latest piece here. Article not by me, credits go to Yannick Smaldore. Apparently, "ThinkDefence" liked it. Will the French-British FC/ASW Missile Program Survive a Hard Brexit ?
  20. Episode 6 - July 2019 is out! - French Navy’s New Generation SSN ‘Suffren’ Launched by Naval Group - JMU Launches ‘Haguro’ – Second Maya-class AEGIS Destroyer for the JMSDF - OCEA Launched Largest Aluminum OPV in the World for Philippine Coast Guard - U.S. Navy Releases RFP for Medium USV - Italy’s Cavour aircraft carrier starts F-35B modification work - RMN Tests Readiness, Capabilities with Multiple Anti-Ship Missile Firings :
  21. xav

    Marine Britannique

    Babcock Secures Tomahawk LACM Contract for UK MoD
  22. PLus sur ce sujet: French Navy Aiming for 1200 Unmanned Systems by 2030 It has to be noted however, that until recently, the French Navy was reportedly looking at General Atomics’ SeaGuardian MALE UAV. According to our colleague at MARS ATTAQUE, the French Navy mentioned the Sea Guardian (naval version of the MQ-9 Reaper) by General Atomics as a possible interim solution for a MALE requirement, during a symposium in mid-march. Naval News understands that other systems such as the Portuguese Tekever AR5 and the French Patroller by Safran were also being considered. The SeaGuardian however was presented as “very high-end spectrum with its capabilities”, but with its almost 6 million flying hours is “more than interesting” in terms of maturity.
  23. U.S. Navy Testing EPF as Drone Mother Ship
  24. xav

    Littoral Combat Ship

    U.S. Navy Tests SSMM From Independence-class LCS
  25. BAE Systems Completes P950 RIB USV Trials with MSI RWS
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