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Tout ce qui a été posté par xav

  1. Projeter les chars Leclerc au Mali ? Engagement à enjeux multiples
  2. J'ai retrouver les photos, tu as juste =)
  3. Selui ou la calendre commence par "SOVA", avec les petits pneus
  4. ^Vehicule de transmission pas trop courant. Je l'ai pris en photo, il était aux Invalide au 14 juillet 2012 mais je ne trouve plus les photos
  5. xav

    Frappes aériennes sur le Mali

    Paraitrait que c'est une photo durant Serval Si c'est le cas, notez le bidon Tiger meet... ils ont meme pas eu le temps de refaire la peinture (autre signe du coté urgent de l'intervention?)
  6. D'aprés des Russes sur des An-124 de l'Armée de l'Air Russe ont effectués des vol, en plus de ceux de Volga-Dnepr (compagnie privée)
  7. "La dissuasion nucléaire elle sert à quoi au Mali"
  8. Cohn Benit se dit énnervé par l'Allemagne et Catherine Ashton
  9. Selon BFMtv, le Mindef dement les combats "au corps a corps" Sinon ils ont montrés des images des VAB du 21 RIMA en route dans le sable: Ils sont "basiques" (pas sur-blindés)
  10. According to Algerian newspaper Elkhabar, the group holding the hostages is asking for 20 4X4 vehicles and a safe passage by the Algerian army to northern Mali.
  11. xav

    Les FREMM de la Marine Nationale

    Pour moi ce passage: Following the first trials and anti-submarine exercises, this crew number has been validated by the French Navy. est clair... A la différence du LCS ou c'est l'US Navy qui justement n'a pas validé mais a demandé un équipage renforcé.
  12. Les fiches techniques de certains matériels déployés/employés ERC 90 ERC-90 Sagaie light 6x6 reconnaissance armoured vehicle technical data sheet specifications VPS Light 4x4 Special Forces patrol vehicle data sheet specifications description pictures video VAB Renault wheeled armoured vehicle personnel carrier technical data sheet specifications pictures VBL Panhard light wheeled armoured vehicle technical data sheet information description pictures UK Tigre EC 665 Eurocopter multi-role attack helicopter data sheet specifications SA342 Gazelle SA341 light multi-role combat helicopter aircraft technical data sheet specifications C-160 Transall military transport aircraft data sheet specifications Mirage F1 CR Reconnaissance combat fighters aircraft technical data sheet specifications
  14. ‏@France24_fr RT @jsauvaget: #mali la colonne de blindés fr au niveau de #Ségou. Quelques journalistes à leur bord. #france24 #mali
  15. xav

    Les FREMM de la Marine Nationale

    Heu lis plutot cela: Sinon, parties intéressantes:
  16. C'est donc du 1er RPIMA ou 13eme Dragon Parachutistes plutot que du commando marine (ils utilisent du Land Rover eux il me semble)
  17. xav

    Littoral Combat Ship

    Le dernier film de promo
  18. Je demanderai à LM durant IDEX si ils ont du nouveau concernant l’intérêt des Français pour le DAGR (pour les Tigres) Ils m'en avaient déjà parlé à Eurosatory 2008, puis 2012.
  19. xav

    Les FREMM de la Marine Nationale

    Merci ;) Si certains on des questions, n'hésitez pas...
  20. gaellesaout Gaël Le Saout 4m Point presse de Jean-Yves Le Drian, ministre de la défense, en compagnie du chef d'état major des armées. #Mali
  21. A Look at What Countries Are Contributing to Mali FRANCE France's resources in what they call Operation Serval include: — 800 troops are now in place in Mali. This number is forecast to "gradually" increase to 2,500, according to a government official, who insisted on anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak to the press. —French forces on the ground include 200 troops from Operation Epervier in Chad who have been flown into Bamako. This includes some French Foreign Legionnaires. And a company of the 2nd marine infantry regiment based in Auvours, France was moved into Bamako on Saturday. Also present are a group of 200 soldiers who moved into Mali on Monday from their base in Ivory Coast, along with around 60 armored vehicles. —Gazelle helicopter gunships from the 4th helicopter regiment of the special forces armed with HOT anti-tank missiles and 20mm cannons. The 4th regiment, based in Pau, France, has 12 of these helicopters. — Mirage 2000D fighter jets based in Chad and four Rafale fighter jets sent from their base in France have taken part in the bombing campaign, supported by two C135 refueling tankers. Two Mirage F1 CR reconnaissance jets were also moved from their base in Chad to Bamako on Monday. France has six Mirage 2000D, 3 C135s, one C130, 1 Transall C160 stationed in Chad as part of its Operation Epervier. ——— U.K. —Two C-17 aircraft to carry foreign troops and military equipment to Mali. One C-17 has arrived in Bamako, Mali and the second is currently in France. —Britain is not offering any troops, but Mark Simmonds, the government minister for Africa, said British personnel also could be involved in training the Malian army. — The only military personnel will be a Royal Air Force ground crew intended to service C-17 transport. ——— United States: The U.S. is providing intelligence-gathering assistance to the French, and officials would not rule out having American aircraft land in the West African nation as part of future efforts to lend airlift and logistical support. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said Tuesday that the U.S. is still working through the details of assistance it will provide France. ——— EU: The European Union says it is speeding up its preparation for a troop training mission in Mali, which will now likely be launched in the second half of February or early March, but the EU is not planning any direct combat role. ——— ALGERIA: Algerian Foreign Ministry spokesman Amar Belani said on Monday that Algeria was closing the nearly 1,000-kilometer (600-mile) border with Mali. After months of expressing grave doubts over any intervention in Mali, regional powerhouse Algeria has backed the French attack. It has granted overflight rights to French jets heading to northern Mali. ——— BENIN: Will send 300 troops. ——— BELGIUM: Transport. ——— BURKINA FASO: Will send 500 troops to Mali and 500 others to control the northern border. Check points have also been set up in Burkina Faso on roads to it northern border with Mali. ——— CHAD: To send troops, but no specific number yet. ——— DENMARK: Denmark is sending a C-130 transport aircraft with a crew and support staff of about 40 people, the Danish Foreign Ministry said. ——— ESTONIA: Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Paet said his country would be ready to send "a couple of officers" to Mail to help staff the EU's training mission. ——— GERMANY : German officials have ruled out sending any combat troops to support Mali, but French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said Germany will offer logistical, humanitarian and medical support. ——— GUINEA: Will send 144 troops. ——— MAURITANIA: Mauritanian armed forces were placed on high alert along the border with Mali. The president says the country would not take part in the fighting in northern Mali. The Mauritanian army had conducted raids in 2010 and 2011 against the bases of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in northern Mali. ——— NIGER: Will send 500 troops. ——— NIGERIA: Will send about 900 troops, including a company of 190 expected to leave in the next 24 hours. ——— SENEGAL: Will send 500 troops. ——— TOGO: Will send 500 troops.
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