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Messages posté(e)s par Akhilleus

  1. c'est les images de l'attaque de Gori, on a vu en boucle depuis 2 jours sous toutes les coutures. D'ailleurs au début de la video il n'est pas clair si c'est la base (rarement mentionnée) militaire de Gori qui est touchée ou l'immeuble d'habitations.

    certains font etat d'un depot de munition visé par l'aviation russe dont certaines bombes (bêtes bombes à gravité donc pas de precision ou  guidée) auraient/ont frappé un ou deux immeubles d'habitation

    quant à savoir si la frappe a été volontaireet donc voulue ou accidentelle et donc classable dans (dieu que je deteste cette expression) dommages collateraux, je m'en abstiendrais, y'a eu suffisemment d'envolée sur le sujet entre les pro-G et les pro-R

  2. Rappellons que pour les paras tués au Liban, il n'y a eu qu'UN raid de l'aéronavale, et encore celui ci n'a pas eu les effets escompté suite magouille diplomatique. 

    certes certes mais je prenais l'option extreme proposée par Chris (qui lui y va de sa nuke quand même)

    et puis le Liban c'est pas la même chose, on n'avait pas en face de nous d'etat constitué avec des infrastructures clairement identifiables et donc targetables

  3. bof comme d'hab ses postes sont biaisés ne serait ce qu'au niveau des chiffres

    (prix d'un F22 138 millions de $ --> c'est la ref wiki  :lol: les prix fly away sur le net s'echelonne entre 136 et 200 millions et encore 136 c'est le prix prevu en fin de ligne de production pour le programme complet tel qu'initialement prevu et qui visiblement sera difficilement voir pas atteint)

    (1F22 abattant 100 adversaires  :lol: ouais en sim au dessus du Nevada, le jour ou un F22 pourra porter 100 missiles AA en opération aérienne je me converti pour devenir Mormont)

    alors les calculs un peu facile du genre 1 appareil à 138 millions de $ peut detruire à lui seul pour 4000 millions de $ de materiel adverse c'est du vent et c'est faire fi de toute la chaine ELINT logistique et multiplicatrice de force quifait que cet appareil (des le deaprt) a été concu pour fonctionner de manière optimale dans un environnement particulier (satellites/AWACS/L16) que peu de pays peuvent se payer n partie, aucun si ce n'est les USA dans sa totalité

    honnetement entre des F22 aux cocardes françaises sans l'environnement qui va avec et 294 rafales pensés pour notre usage et notre doctrine (upgradés aux derniers standards si possibles) je prefere nos Rafy

    plus polyvalents

    moins couteux (ne serait ce qu'en MCO)

    moins fragiles (une chiure de mouette sur le revetement et fi de la furtivité du F22)

    et ayant fait leur preuve en opération ext (ce que le F22 l'oiseau en or n'a pas fait)

    après c'est un excellent appareil qu'on ne fasse pas dire ce que je n'ai pas dis mais bon les bidouillages de chiffres c'est pas très serieux (1 F22 = 100 appareils adverses aux tapis , nawaks .... a part dans les sim preconditionnées de l'USAF que je subhodore biaisées pour avantager le Raptor ..... d'ailleurs fut un temps ou le F22 etait donné à 1-11 vs le SU27, 1-9 vs le Rafale, 1- 6 vs le Typhoon comme quoi les chiffres et les sims ont leur fait dire ce qu'on veut ....)

  4. ca suffira pour un pays comme l'Eythrée

    un raid d'une dizaine d'appareil avec AASM ou BGL sur des installations militaires/palais presidentiels suffiront a faire comprendre le message

    sinon il reste l'option engagement au sol a partir de Djibouti et même l'unité de la légion basée la bas (plus les renforts rapatriables d'afrique equatoriale) suffirait a poser des pbs au corps de bataille eythreen si on prend le temps de reduire leur aviation en miettes au sol

    je repete un usage de nukes dans cette situation serait over-kill, contre productif et dangereux par le precedent qu'il implique

  5. autres commentaires de la même personne (sur, un certain  Lokos que j'apprecie de lire, il est le seul a garder la tete froi et a essayer d'analyser la situation

    The Georgian Artillery Brigade is in Gori and Khoni; both of which have presumably received some attention from the RuAF. I'm not sure if the Separate Tank Battalion has the lion's share of Georgian armor, or if the infantry brigades have any organic armor components themselves. Numbers of operational MBTs are sketchy. It is also unclear how much of the Georgian National Guard has been mobilized, and subsequently committed.

    Three moto-rifle brigades would actually constitute the majority of the 58th Army's operational maneuver elements. 42nd Moto-rifle Division is in Chechnya. 131st Moto-rifle Brigade would also probably be available for commitment (currently in Maikop). Also, the 368th and 461st Assault Aviation Regiments are probably the ones currently supporting operations in SO.

    Q(d'un autre forumeru) :

    If it`s true that the Russians have landed naval infantry in Abkhasia, wouldnt that indicate that this unit was very quick in it`s reaction time? I know very little about this except it seems to me that they were ready for this operation long before events would nesecitate it?


    There's a very limited force to draw upon for this kind of operation. Only the 810th and 882nd Regiments, if I understand it correctly. Since sealifting those regiments would require a fairly extensive naval effort, I question the accuracy of any reports of mass landings.


    I got the impression you were suprized by the small number of Russian troops that have been committed.

    R (toujours du même Lokos) :

    Yeah, sorry, I sort of 'got it' after I'd already posted. What I meant to say was that I was surprised because the Russians had clearly not concentrated serious maneuver elements in the operational area. The Georgians caught them with their pants down, so to speak, and the Russians were forced to act with forces at hand. Which, clearly, is not a desirable outcome.

    And vis a vis the naval infantry; like I said, sealifting a regiment or more of troops and their equipment requires significant naval activity - which surely would have been reported by now.

    Q :

    I disagree,they were prepared,

    R :

    I don't know, zg18, they acted a full day later with local forces available. There was no concentration of mobile or supporting elements prior to the war. None of the other major formations in the TC MD were involved. Tactical aviation appears limited, at best. A few regiments of tac-air - no more. They were prepared insofar as a planned response was executed. But, clearly, they were not prepared for what did transpire over the weekend, or the rapid collapse of the local SO forces. At this point, they're winging it, as far as I'm concerned. Planning and executing on the fly, they'll probably shift several operational formations to the conflict area without engaging unless the conflict drags on.


    ça clarifie un peu l'OdB pour les unités mon cher Tancrède ??

  6. quelques infos sur le coté militaire de la chose (en provenance d'un autre forum)

    en anglais

    On a military note, have you noticed how truly unprepared the Russians were, in acting? At most, they threw elements of a few motorized rifle brigades into SO. Limited air strikes and purely retaliatory artillery salvos point to a piecemeal commitment spurred by the rapid collapse of SO resistance in and around the capital. It took two days to push serious assets into the region - and we're still not talking about more than three moto-rifle infantry brigades with organic armored assets. No more than 7-8,000 personnel, ~100-150 MBTs, ~200 APC/IFVs and a few SPG batteries. With a few squadrons of tactical aviation on-hand.

    The Georgians - far from being dwarfed - are actually on very even footing in the numbers game (theoretically). Of course, that situation is probably changing even now, but it's also possible that the Georgians themselves failed to muster sufficient force along the primary axis of operations. Their order of battle reveals one independent tank battalion and 4-5 infantry brigades. One brigade is in Iraq. One is probably facing Abkhazia. They definitely threw the tank battalion into the fight for the SO capital (which was a ridiculously bad idea in such an ATGM/RPG heavy environment). I can only suppose that there are but two or possibly three infantry brigades in action (4-6,000 personnel). If they've lost their artillery support to any great extent, they certainly couldn't afford to get pinned in a set-piece battle (Russian artillery superiority would make such a proposition very costly).

  7. Le terme génocide ne dépend pas du nombre de morts; de nos jours, on l'utilise à tort et à travers pour se donner une position morale. Si tu essayais d'avoir un peu d'objectivité, Soyouz, tu pourrais t'en rendre compte.

    La première victime de tout conflit est la vérité; croire les déclarations d'une seule des parties prenantes d'une guerre est déjà un manque d'objectivité flagrant.

    Le génocide a une définition stricte, et grosso modo, le principe du génocide est la volonté et la mise en oeuvre des moyens visant à l'éradication systématique d'une population donnée (ethnique, religieuse, culturelle....). Les Géorgiens ont-ils fait cela? Rien ne l'indique.

    merci d'avoir recadré Tancrède, c'est bien là ou je voulais en venir exactement


    C'est sur que tant que ce n'est pas les francais qui meurent, italiens, espagnols, pour ne citer que cette part de la communauté du forum  et de la population européenne, qu'est ce qu'en a à faire, on peut toujours attendre et compter les cadavres apres.

    <ca t'es gentil mais t'es prié d'éditer parceque sinon ca va sentir chaud pour ton matricule dans la demi heure qui vient>

  8. Voilà   j'ai éditer


    Je reprend les termes de Poutine, personnellement!

    Bof Poutine ou pas le terme Génocide a des conotations  trop sombres pour être utilisé à tors et à travers

    donc je maintien mon point : pas de génocide en ce qui concerne les Ossètes/Abkhazes/Tchétchènes/Géorgiens

    Crimes de guerre oui, nettoyage ethnique pour certain oui pour d'autres peut être, pas de génocide (le seul génocide entrant dans cette definition depuis 1945 c'est le Rwanda point barre)


    petit article qui vaut sont peasnt de caouthètes ....

    je cite

    For most people in Georgia, this was a Russian invasion, regardless of the fact that Georgia had initiated the fighting. 'This is an overt, open attempt to destroy Georgia, to bring Georgia to its knees, to put an end to Georgia's independence,' said Saakashvili, in one of a series of televised speeches to his increasingly fearful people. 'Unless we stop Russia, unless the whole world stops it, Russian tanks will go to any European capital tomorrow,' Saakashvili warned. It was a note of desperation.

    mouairf .... c'est sur qu'un allumant un feu de manière maladroite on s'y brule les doigts (et parfois le voisinage avec ...)

  10. 11h35 Kiev L'Ukraine menace d'interdire aux navires de la Flotte russe de la mer Noire engagés contre la Géorgie de revenir à leur port d'attache de Sébastopol dans le sud de la Crimée

    14h06 Moscou : La Russie menace l'Ukraine d'une coupure de gaz cet hiver si ses navires sont limités par les autorités ukrainiennes dans leur deplacement...... bon celle là c'est moins qui vient de l'inventer mais franchement franchement  les ukrainiens feraient bien de la mettre en sourdine s'ils veulent pas se le geler severe a partir de Septembre/Octobre

    Quant aux menaces US vu le passif qu'ils se tainent version interventions massives non justifiées et irrespect des lignes frontalières et territoriales (depuis la Grenade jusqu'au Kosovo et à l'Irak) feraient egalement mieux de la clore sec

    de toute façon cette attitude va encore conforter les russes dans leur attitude de victime

    On vient de perdre un allié potentiel les gars, je vrois qu'on est parti pour un renforcement du bloc Russie-Chine plus les etats croupions (typre Kazakhstan et compagnie)

    Merci Uncle Sam !!

  11. impression US

    WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Russia's use of strategic bombers and ballistic missiles against Georgia's civilians outside of the South Ossetian conflict is "far disproportionate" to Georgia's alleged attack on Russian peacekeepers, a senior U.S. official said Saturday.

    Russian military vehicles line the road to the South Ossetia area of Georgia.

    1 of 2  The official was not authorized to speak on the record due to the sensitive nature of the diplomacy.

    Russia's use of its potent air weaponry signals a "severe" and "dangerous escalation in the crisis," the official said.

    "For the life of me, I can't image that being a proportionate response to the charge that Georgia has attacked Russian peacekeepers," the official said. "It's hard for us to understand what Russia's plan is here."

    The official said Russia is probably trying to destabilize Georgia politically to kill its chances of joining NATO.

    Georgia wants to join NATO, but Russia opposes the move, concerned that the alliance's eastward march will erode its influence. NATO rejected Georgia's membership bid in April despite strong lobbying from U.S. President Bush, though the alliance promised that Georgia could join at a later date.

    la suite  : link :

    Russia's use of strategic bombers and ballistic missiles

    Gnéééé ?!!!!

  12. Timeline de la journée (source russe)


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    AFP Photo / Dmitry KostyukovAugust 10, 2008, 0:49

    The Georgian war – minute by minute

    20:00 GMT - The UN Security Council gathers once again to discuss the situation in South Ossetia.

    17:05 - Abkhazian official have announced that the republic’s troops have entered the Gail district bordering Georgia.

    15:45 GMT - 76 Airborne Brigade of the Russian Army arrives in the conflict region - Russian military officials.

    15:20 GMT – Prime Minister Putin arrives in Russia’s republic of North Ossetia to discuss aid for the refugees arriving from South Ossetia.

    14:19 GMT – Russia’s Interfax news agency quotes locals in Georgia claiming convoys of ‘NATO military vehicles’ are travelling to South Ossetia.

    14:02 GMT – Fifty journalists in Tskhinvali ask Russia, Georgia and United States to organise safe passage for them and civilian refugees.

    14:16 GMT – South Ossetian President says second Georgian assault on Tskhinvali was repelled.

    14:13 GMT – Georgian troops are regrouping ‘ready to repel any attack’, says Georgian Interior Ministry.

    13:50 GMT - UN High Commissioner for Refugees confirms up to 7,400 people flee from South Ossetia.

    13:34 GMT – At least 2,000 people were killed in Tskhinvali -Russia’s ambassador to Georgia.

    13:16 GMT – Russia considers bringing the killing of peacekeepers to the international court - Foreign Ministry.

    13:03 GMT – Tbilisi may ask the West for military aid – head of Georgia’s national security council.

    12:53 GMT – Bush assures Medvedev he will help return the situation in South Ossetia to the sphere of diplomacy.

    12:53 GMT – Georgian troops block 2,000 refugees from fleeing South Ossetia – Russian Foreign Ministry.

    12:48 GMT – Medvedev tells Bush by phone: ‘Russia is forcing Georgia to peace, protecting the lives and dignity of its citizen’ - Ria Novosti.

    12:30 GMT – Websites from the .ru domain are blocked in Tbilisi – Russian embassy.

    11:52 GMT – Abkhazia says it has launched an offensive against Georgian troops in the Kodory gorge.

    11:05 GMT – Saakashvili calls for an immediate ceasefire, accuses Russia of invasion.

    11:09 GMT – Georgian parliament approves declaration of martial law in the country.

    10:34 GMT – Georgian media report Russia has bombed Tbilisi-controlled villages in Abkhazia.

    10:16 GMT – Georgia is de facto at war with Russia – Georgian Foreign Ministry.

    10:10 GMT – Georgian websites are under attack – Saakashvili.

    10:02 GMT – Georgian artillery resumes shelling the peacekeepers’ headquarters in Tskhinvali, according to Interfax.

    09:40 GMT – Georgia has 50 dead and 450 wounded after three days of battles – unidentified military source in the conflict zone, quoted by the Interfax news agency.

    09:00 – Georgia to declare martial law – President Mikhail Saakashvili.

    08:59 GMT – Georgian troops ‘surrender and flee’ in Tskhinvali – peacekeeping commander.

    08:59 GMT – Georgian media claim a Russian pilot has been captured after two planes were shot down.  Another was found dead, reports say.

    08:46 – Experts from the EU, the US and the OSCE are to mediate in the Georgian-Ossetian conflict – office of EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana.

    08:32 GMT – The use of multiple-launch rocket systems by Georgia caused mass civilian losses – Russian military.

    08:32 GMT – Georgia is building up forces near the Abkhazian border, according to Abkhazian officials.

    08:24 GMT – Russian military denies bombing civilians in Georgia.

    08:20 GMT – Russian military admits loosing two aircraft in South Ossetian conflict.

    07:54 – Russian troops do not control Tskhinvali so they resort to air strikes – Georgian official.

    07:54 – Moscow accuses Kiev of encouraging the Georgian offensive by supplying Tbilisi with arms.

    07:40 GMT – Russian units ‘have cleared Tskhinvali of Georgian troops’, according to the commander of Russia’s ground forces, General Boldirev.

    07:24 GMT – Russian paratrooper units arrive in South Ossetia.

    07:22 GMT – Peacekeeping commander reports Russian troops have suppressed the intensive bombardment of Tskhinvali by Georgian military.

    07:16 GMT – U.S. Ministry of State condemns Russia’s ‘use of strategic bombers and missiles’ against Georgia.

    07:15 GMT – Russian Emergencies Ministry sets up temporary refugee camps in southern Russia.

    07:12 GMT – Tskhinvali death toll rises to 1,600 people, according to South Ossetian officials.

    07:13 GMT – South Ossetia claims it has shot down a second Georgian fighter plane.

    07:06 GMT – NATO has no mandate to interfere in the South Ossetian conflict - alliance official.

    07:04 GMT – An estimated 30,000 refugees have fled South Ossetia over the past 1.5 days - Russian Government official.

    06:56 GMT – Those responsible for the humanitarian crisis in South Ossetia must be held responsible for their actions – Medvedev.

    06:46 GMT – Georgia to withdraw all its troops from Iraq – Reuters agency.

    06:48 GMT – Georgia says Russian aircraft have bombed a telecom site in the Georgian city of Gori.

    05:56 GMT – Georgia’s Defence Minister reports that his country’s troops are advancing into South Ossetian territory.

    05:51 GMT – South Ossetians say Georgian snipers are hampering the transfer of the wounded to hospitals.

    05:51 GMT – Georgian media reports 12 Georgian soldiers were killed during bombing of a military base by Russian aircraft.

    05:46 GMT – Russian peacekeepers have launched a peace enforcing operation in South Ossetia – Medvedev.

    05:30 GMT - Russian Special Forces attachment arrives on outskirts of Tskhinvali – Russian military source

    05:15 GMT – Russian unit breaks through to peacekeepers base camp, says military official. Evacuation of wounded soldiers starts.

    05:09 GMT – South Ossetians claims Georgian troops captured hostages while retreating.

    05:02 GMT – Russian military prosecutors launch an investigation into peacekeeper deaths in South Ossetia.

    05:02 GMT – Russian military prosecutors launch an investigation into peacekeepers deaths in South Ossetia.

    04:03 GMT – Russia sends special forces troops to South Ossetia.

    03:56 GMT –  Three Russian peacekeepers die overnight, raising the total death toll for peacekeeping forces to 15 -  Russian military.

    03:45 GMT – Evacuees report to Russian military that Georgian artillery shelled a convoy with wounded people - Interfax

    02:00 GMT – U.S. condemns Russia’s ‘military actions against Georgia’, announces U.S. envoy to the United Nations.

    00:10 GMT – The shelling of Tshinvali stops

  13. toi tu traines pas dans les bons coins

    personnellement je confirme pour les tchèques/hongroises/croates/serbes/macédoniennes/monténégrines/slovènes

    bon après certaine fois coté classe on a vu mieux (m'enifn avec mes troupeaux de caguoles quotidiennes du Sud y'a concours  :lol: :lol:)

  14. Les Géorgiens n'ont aucune chance sur le plan naval, absolument 0, entre tous les navires de surface russes bien plus puissant que ce que peut avoir les géorgiens et les SNA ; le naval, c'est plié.

    pas de SNA dans le coin, la Mer noire c'est un lac

    et de nos jour une vedette avec 2 ou 4 missiles mer-mer peut causer des problèmes à n'importe quel navire

    cela dis il est vrai qu'a terme la marine georgienne jouera les recifs artifiels (de plus les cotes georgiennes ne sont pas assez decoupées pour permettre des parties de hit and run qui avantagerait des petits navires rapides equipés de "vampires")

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