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Messages posté(e)s par Akhilleus

  1. voilà moi ce que j'ai trouvé :

    The International Strategic Studies Association

    The worldwide NGO for Senior Strategic Policy Professionals

    Registered with the US Internal Revenue Service as a non-profit,

    tax-exempt educational foundation.

    PO Box 20407, Alexandria, Virginia 22320, United States of America.

    Telephone (703) 548-1070. Facsimile (703) 684-7476. E-mail:

    Website: www.StrategicStudies.Org

    Press Statement: For Immediate Release

    NATO’s ‘Other’ Yugoslavia Losses and POWs Still Not Acknowledged

    Alexandria, Virginia: May 4, 1999

    NATO forces, including the United States, have lost numerous aircraft

    and have already suffered significant loss-of-life among ground troops

    in the Yugoslavia conflict, according to a report published today by the

    journal which in 1994 predicted the Kosovo war.

    “Strategic Policy”, the monthly journal of the “Defense & Foreign

    Affairs” division of the worldwide International Strategic Studies

    Association (ISSA), a non-governmental organization (NGO) for senior

    national security officials from some 165 countries, said that NATO

    forces may have lost, up until April 20, as many as 38 fixed-wing

    aircraft and six helicopters in the Kosovo conflict. As well, it said,

    as many as 50 NATO ground troops - officially not acknowledged even to

    be in the conflict - may have lost their lives.

    The journal, in December 1992, said that (then) President-elect Bill

    Clinton “will be tempted to take fast, populist decisions on the Balkans

    crisis, and these could be fatal for any chances for peace there.”

    In the February-March 1994 edition of “Strategic Policy”, staff writer

    T. W. (Bill) Carr wrote: “Other areas, perhaps with even greater

    potential for ethnic conflict [than northern Serbia], are Kosovo and the

    Sanjak region of Yugoslavia. Here the problem is an explosive mixture of

    religion and nationalism with roots reaching back in remote history and

    the Tito era. Adjacent to Kosovo is Muslim Albania from whence came 95

    percent of the present day population of Kosovo.”

    ISSA in April this year put together the fact-finding mission which took

    US Congressman Jim Saxton (R-NJ) to Belgrade.

    The journal, which has been covering the Balkan wars and the Kosovo

    Liberation Army (KLA) in detail since the early 1990s, said in today’s

    report, written by ISSA President Gregory Copley, who is editor of the

    journal: “It is clear from the amount and quality of intelligence

    received by this journal from a variety of highly-reputable sources that

    NATO forces have already suffered significant losses of men, women and

    materiel. Neither NATO, nor the US, UK or other member governments, have

    admitted to these losses, other than the single USAF F-117A Stealth

    fighter which was shown, crashed and burning inside Serbia.”

    “The Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff had denied, about a month

    into the bombing, that the US had suffered the additional losses

    reported to Defense & Foreign Affairs.”

    “By April 20, 1999, NATO losses stood at approximately the following:

    38 fixed-wing combat aircraft;

    Six helicopters;

    Seven unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs);

    ‘Many’ Cruise Missiles (lost to AAA or SAM fire).”

    “Several other NATO aircraft were reported down after that date,

    including at least one of which there was Serbian television coverage.

    The aircraft reportedly include three F-117A Stealth strike aircraft,

    including the one already known. One of the remaining two was shot down

    in an air-to-air engagement with a Yugoslav Air Force MiG-29 fighter;

    the other was lost to AAA (anti-aircraft artillery) or SAM

    (surface-to-air missile) fire. Given the recovery by the Yugoslavs of

    F-117A technology, and the fact that the type has proven less than

    invincible, the mystique of the aircraft - a valuable deterrent tool

    until now for the US - has been lost.”

    “At least one USAF F-15 Eagle fighter has been lost, with the pilot,

    reportedly an African-American major, alive and in custody as a POW.”

    “At least one German pilot (some sources say two men, implying perhaps a

    Luftwaffe crew from a Tornado) has been captured.”

    “There is also a report that at least one US female pilot has been


    “In one instance in the first week of the fighting, an aircraft was

    downed near Podgorica. A NATO helicopter then picked up the downed

    pilot, but the helicopter itself was then shot down, according to a

    number of reports.”

    “Losses of US and other NATO ground force personnel, inside Serbia, have

    also been extensive.”

    “A Yugoslav Army unit ambushed a squad climbing a ravine south of

    Pristina, killing 20 men. When the black tape was taken from their

    dog-tags it was found that 12 were US Green Berets; eight were British

    special forces (presumably Special Air Service/SAS). This incident

    apparently occurred within a week or so of the bombing campaign launch.”

    “It is known that other US and other NATO casualties have, on some

    occasions, been retrieved by NATO forces after being hit inside

    Yugoslavia. At least 30 bodies of US servicemen have been processed

    through Athens, after being transported from the combat zone.”

    “At least two of the helicopters downed by the Yugoslavs were carrying

    troops, and in these two a total of 50 men were believed to have been

    killed, most of them (but not all) of US origin.”

    “Certainly, the US has lost to ground fire and malfunction a number of

    Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. At least some of these have been retrieved

    more or less intact, and the technology has been immediately reviewed by

    Yugoslav engineers. More than one told this writer that the technology

    was now readily able to be replicated in Yugoslavia.”

    The journal’s 17-page report also details the extent of the drug-money

    financing of the KLA and the impact of the Cox Committee report –

    detailing White House links to Chinese intelligence funding - on the

    Clinton Administration’s decision to continue the war against


    As well, the report outlined the dangers to the West of a protracted

    conflict in Yugoslavia, not only from the war there, but also because of

    the chance that it would trigger other conflicts, including a Chinese

    invasion of Taiwan and a North Korean invasion of South Korea. The

    report said that the drawdown on US standoff weapons and other military

    assets heightened the risk of opportunistic attacks being undertaken by

    countries which felt that the US could no longer deter their action.

    The report also said that the loss of US and NATO prestige as a result

    of the Yugoslav adventure would also make future global stability more

    difficult to sustain.


    For further information, and complete text of the article, please visit

    the website of the Association at:, or call the

    Washington DC area office of ISSA at 703-548-1070.

  2. ca me reviens maintenannt....les modalités d'engagement étaient celle d'une force de réaction rapide en déploiement précoce (cad sans le support habituel) contre un adversaire ayant deja des infrastructures sur le terrain..........d'ou le 4 vs 12 bon en tout cas ca prouve que ce pointer trop vite et trop mal au mauvais endroit fait que n'importe qui y compris les USA (qui voulaient ce scénario pour évaluer leurs capacités d'action dans ce contexte mais que je soupconne aussi de supérioralisme patent envers tout ce qui est extraUS voir extraOTAN en ce diasnt que même à 4 vs 12 contre des Indiens c'est du tout cuit) peut prendre une pile. D'ailleurs je crois que pensant que les premiers resultats etaient un coup de bol monstre des Indiens ils ont remis repile.... Je crois aussi que ca les a maté un peu sur le coté "ou qu'on arrive on dézingue tout" bas en tout cas c'est en faisant des erreurs qu'on apprend et vaut mieux en exercice qu'en situation réelle

  3. le liban c' est le hezbollah , c ' est la seul armée libanaise digne de ce nom qui protége le liban , il y' a des ministres , des députés du hezbollah au liban , le gouvernement libanais et le hezbollah font un , l' armée libanaise est le hezbollah font un , tu crois que le hezbollah va etre desarmer???? l' armée libanaise est deja infiltré par le hezbollah , un gradé de cette armée récemment a dit lors d ' un discours a ses hommes qu' ils fallait etre fiere de la resistance du hezbollah qui a vaincu l' armée israelienne , les combattants du hezbollah sont toujours dans le sud

    le hezbollah ce n' est pas qu' une armée c' est un parti politique ,le gouvernement libanais c'est qui d' apres toi? c' est nasrallah car qui a expulser l' armée israelienne en 82? le hezbollah donc la légitimité est totale , et ton souhait d' anéantir le hezbollah est utopique , ce parti politique a la base a atteint une cote de popularité en particulier dans le monde musulmans assez hallucinante , comment peut tu dire que ce parti n' a aucune légitimité alors qu' il posséde des ministres et des députés au sein du gouvernement libanais ? l' armée du liban c' est le hezbollah c 'est pas les quelques soldats de l' armée dites libanaise qui va proteger les interet du liban franchement

    on nage en plein délire la ....

    légitimité : ouais ils ont fais 11 % aux dernières elections

    ils ont 2 ou 3 députés/ministres max

    ils sont pas majoritaires aux liban

    avant de balancer des trucs pareils remonte les posts avant, on a suffisement deja discuté de ca auparavant et trouver suffisemment d'infos pour que je puisse pas laisser passer une désinfo pareil.....ah mais !!!!

  4. tiens, Mani un ptit cadeau pour toi, ca date un peu mais ca prouve que tes compatriotes Spec Ops ont le niveau :

    Indian special forces world’s toughest --UNI

    The Deccan Herald

    ''Hard work pays,'' quipped Captain Krishnadas after his team secured the first position at the 'Exercise Airborne Africa - 2002' at Botswana, beating 28 teams from 12 countries. In the simulated real-war situation at Botswana, the Indian team emerged 'overall winners' at the June 8-11 'Endurance, Navigation and Evacuation' event in which participants from Botswana, France, Malawi, Malaysia, Senegal, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, UK, USA and Zimbabwe took part. The Indian team also won most of the 'individual medals'. Four others — Ghana, Lisotho, Namibia and Zambia — participated as 'Observers'.

    While the Botswana Defence Force (BDF) came second and the South African Defence Forces (SANDF) third in the overall ranking, the second India team lead by Major Ranade came 15th in the event. The three-day annual event hosted by Botswana, and initiated by the South African Defence Forces (SANDF) in 2001, had India participating for the first time after General L M Fisher, Commander, Botswana Defence Force (BDF) invited it during his February visit to this country.

    Led by Major Animish Ranade and Captain T R Krishnadas, the two Indian teams consisted of four officers and eight other ranks drawn from the Indian Parachute Regiment (Special Forces). The 'competition' comprised of a 35-km 'Endurance March', a 10-km Navigation Exercise, a 10-km Speed March, Casualty Evacuation of 10 kilometres and Combat Shooting of Rifle/Pistol, along with Observation and Surveillance and two Parachute Jumps, based on a point system that was matched with time taken by a team.

    Attributing his team's success to ''real life experience got through fighting insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir and the North-East'', Captain Krishnadas said this helped them more than the 'practice' others teams went through before participating in the 'challenge'.

    On what the team learnt from the 'participation', Major Ranade said: ''It was an eye-opener for us. The 'Westerners' whom we perceived as 'real toughies', in spite of being physically and equipment-wise pretty superior, proved 'lacking in mettle' when it came to 'mental challenge' in real-life conditions.'' “Our spirit of sacrifice, mental toughness and experience paid off,'' he added. The event organised to test the 'physical fitness, mental robustness and the will to endure under adverse conditions' was mainly to foster goodwill and improve relations between the airborne units of the participating nations.


    bon la fin sent un peu l'effet "je me jette des fleurs" mais après tout quelle armée ne le fais pas.....[08]

  5. ca n'etais pas le but mais c'est le resutat et beaucoup d'habitants du sud son tres contant de voir leur armée

    pour les migraines (c'est une blague)

    la on est effectivement d'accord

    reste a voir si le Hezbollah est lui content de voir revenir cette armée ?! [09]

    ah oui effectivement le headshot aussi c'est un bon antimigraineux mais j'avais dis des solutions plus DOUCES !!!! [28][28]

  6. depuis 40 ans les soldats de l'état libanais n'avaient pas mi le pied au sud liban

    tenue par les milices hezballot

    israel a aidé le gouvernement libanais a retrouvez sa suprématie

    [22] non non

    ouiais un peu limite comme argument

    C'est comme si tu me disais que tu avais mal au crane et que pour faire passer ta migraine je te mettais un gros coup de marteau dessus.................

    ben désolé y'a des solutions plus douces

  7. pardon je me suis mal exprimé (c vrai que mon post laisse a interprétation) Le AKSU est une version raccourci de l'AK47 ok mais avec des performances (notamment au niveau de la puissance d'arret) je crois moindres Mais il le semble que la police de LA n'utilise pas le AKSU mais bien une version "tronquée" (pour pas utiliser le terme raccourci) de l'AK47 (tronquée notamment au niveau de son circuit d'empreint de gaz si je me rappelle bien) avec un bouche de sortie comparable a celle de l'AK47 et non pas une bouche de sortie avec un déflecteur rond comme celui de l'AKSU voili sorry pour le misunderstanding [10]

  8. Tiens parlons un peu de cette idée d'exosquelette ca sort un peu du topic mais a peine et pis j'aime bien l'idée (Basée sur le roman de Heinlein, Etoiles gardes à vous) On en est ou de ca ??? Il me semble qu'il y avait des études US sur un système motorisé au moin pour les jambes des fantassins pour améliorer leurs vitesses de déplacement et leur capacité d'emport de charges lourdes .....

  9. pour l'exotisme : Isandhwnana 1879 (taule british vs une armée zoulue plus nombreuse mais bcp bcp moins bien équipée) et son pendant Rorke's Drift (un peu genre Fort Alamo ou Camerone toujours Brits vs Zoulous mais c'est les anglais qui ont gagnés cette fois ci), Colenso 1899 (ou comment des boers relativement bien équipés et sur d'excellentes positions défensives mettent une branlée à plusieurs colonnes britanniques pourtant mieux équipées et surtout bien plus "pro" enfin sur le papier), et puis pour les pro russes Kalka'river 1221 ou une armée de 23000 à 30000 Mongols sous le commandement de Subedei mettent une pile à 70000 rus, en tuent probablement la moitié ou plus et 6 princes avec....

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