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Messages posté(e)s par eikkN

  1. "Europe asks Korea to join Eurofighter program

    A multination consortium in Europe has invited Korea to join its high-end jet production project in an apparent attempt to win what would be Korea’s biggest arms-procurement deal.

    The move came following Seoul’s announcement that it would purchase 60 advanced fighter aircraft in line with its push to shift the country’s military posture from passive defense to proactive deterrence with a projected budget of up to 10 trillion won ($8.96 billion)."

  2. Pourquoi donc?

    Ah, en fait tout le monde s'en fout de voir le Rafale se poser pour des problèmes techniques/problèmes de ravitaillement? Je suis surement pas le seul ici qui doit être énerver/agacer par ce genre de vidéo, après je me dis que le Rafale a prouvé ce qu'il devait faire en Libye mais je "n'argumenterais" pas plus sinon on va me ressortir que c'était due à un problème de manque de ravitailleurs, à cause des politiques qui donnent pas d'argent pour une énième fois sur ce forum...  ;)

  3. Oui elle met l'accent sans le dire ouvertement sur un gros problème des pays de l'OTAN (qui concerne à la fois leurs dirigeants et leurs populations) : le manque de patience, l'exigence de résultats hyper-rapides ; mais aussi sur le manque d'efficacité militaire des rebelles, lesquels étaient presque tous des civils avant l'insurrection et ne semblent toujours pas disposer d'armements anti-chars (?)

    Les rebelles ne devaient pas recevoir des missiles Milan pour pouvoir détuire les chars et canons lourds des forces kadhafistes ? 

    Oui, ils les ont reçus:


  4. Ont remarque sutout que le systeme felin a ete consue pour le famas felin et qu'ils ne se sont pas "trop" foulé pratique sur toutes les armes

    Je cite pour exemple le fait que l'ont doit utiliser un rail surélever pour que ce soit un minimum pratique au niveau de lorifice de visé et aussi la conception de la poigne de commande qui aurait put etre mieu foutue sans oubile le cable qui traine

    Mais bon Dans 5/10 ans ce sera au point =)

    PS: La ont voit comment le systeme felin rend sur un M4 donc sur un 416 ce serait pareil (moche  =( )

         Perso je pense que ca rendrait mieux sur un SCAR car c'est un fusil ayant un gabari plus gros que le 416 et sur lui la lunette paraiterai plus petite  =)

    Dans 5/10, il me semble que l'on aura une lunette 300gr surement plus compacte et esthétique..


    "The first five of 30 Royal Navy pilots have begun French language training at the defence college in Paris before they join the carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, where they will fly Rafale jets.

    They will spend 16 weeks studying French so that they are able to communicate with their colleagues on board the vessel.

    While they will wear their own uniforms they will sleep, eat and work alongside French fighter pilots, in what has been described as a major test of co-operation for the two Navies."

    Déja posté dans le fil "CVF".

  6. Damned, ils parlent plus de bouffe que du reste dans cet article, ils les affament là bas ou quoi ?  :lol:

    +1  :lol:

    En lisant les commentaires, on s'aperçoit qu'ils ont l'air contents nos amis brits !

  7. Ca va jaser dur dans les fora, excellent cette ouverture sur le futur, il arrive à point  ce rafale 5G. :happy:

    C'est bon en 2025 on nous dit qu'il pourra contrôler des drones, on a pas besoin de la 5ème gen, on passe direct à la 6ème.  =D

  8. Ca a été posté sur keypub mais apparemment c'est l'Article du dernier Air et Cosmos:

    Image IPB

    Uploaded with


    RBE2 AESA : azimut is now 70° instead of 60° previously and range is increased by more than 40%. Further range increase has been demonstrated for UAE needs by increasing the power output from 9,6kW to 14kW. The only thing necessary would be to change the Coolanol pomp for a new one in order to cope with the increase heating.

    For the beginning the modes for the AESA radar are the same as the F3 standard but additional mode will be added in the close future (GMTT/GMTI).

    For the 5th batch side arrays should be added to increase the azimuth coverage to more than 120°

    DDM-NG :

    The new DDM-NG is a substantial upgrade and can support directional countermeasures. Coverage is increased with new fish eyes optics.

    OSF-IT & NG

    A new generation IR channel is being contemplated and will probably be integrated at a latter stage.


    The recce pod will be upgraded to allow in flight target extraction to allow an a quick response strike. It will be fully integrated in the rafale MMI.


    The new TV channel is currently being tested and will enter in service in 2015-2016.


    METEOR :

    integration tests are continuing with first separation tests in 2012. It will be operational in 2018 with the French Air force but it could be operational as soon as 2016 if a customer requires it.

    AASM-IR :

    They will be upgraded with an anti-tank function/algorithms to allow more effective long range simultaneous tank strikes.

    GBU-24 :

    It will be operational this year with the AdA and test with the rafale M will begin soon to be operational with navy in 2012.

    Contained effect weapon :

    That's the hot topic for the french MoD at the moment and currently mobilize a significant number of people. Option are :


    -Laser guided rockets

    -125Kg AASM

    -Scalpel bomb

    Scoop : a New Franco-British AtA missile in replacement of Mica-IR an ASRAM is well on track at a discussion level between the two MOD.


    The new improved M884-E will have an increase of 40% to 50% of its life span. Tests (in flight and ground based) are almost complete.

    M88-9 for UAE will have an inflow increase from 65kg/s to 72Kg/s compression rate will be increased at 27.


    -rafale M02 prototype will be fully upgraded to the F3+ variant to validate this config for naval ops.

    -First F3+ rafale will be the C137 and will be delivered during summer 2012 for operational testing to the CEAM. After a full operational campaign the first rafale F3+ delivered to the AdA will occur mid-2013.

    -For the 4th batch it is 25 rafale C, 25 rafale B and 10 rafale M.

    DEDIRA (DEmonstrateur de DIscrétion RAfale), FRENCH STEALTH RAFALE PROJECT.

    DEDIRA is now the official name of the global project to reduce rafale radar signature which contain passive and active solutions.

    The features that very are likely to be integrated to reduce further rafale radar signature are :

    -Improved air intake design

    -New generation RAM

    -Stealth Cocoon and hard point to hide weapons

    -GaN spectra (already in development since 2009 under the INCAS project (INsert CApability Spectra)

    -Other features kept secret by the french Mod

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