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DSEI 2013


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DAMEN introduced the new "Compact SIGMA" line of corvettes during DSEI 2013


Atlas Elektronik UK launched the new ARCIMS platform during DSEI 2013

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STIDD Systems introduced the DPD Capsule: A Towable Cargo Trailer for Combat Divers



American company STIDD Systems introduced the new DPD Capsule during DSEI 2013, the International Defence & Security event in London, United Kingdom. The DPD Capsule is a low-drag, cargo trailer that combat divers can tow underwater during their missions using the existing STIDD Diver Propulsion Device (DPD) already in use with several naval special forces units around the world.


MBDA adds Brimstone Anti-FIAC Capability to CWSP Naval Warfare Solution


In 2010, MBDA launched CWSP (Compact Warfare System Package) to provide fast patrol boats and logistics ships with an integrated combat system for both self-defence and the means to secure sensitive coastal zones. In this respect, CWSP’s common architecture has up to now incorporated MBDA’s automated, twin turret Mistral missile SIMBAD-RC air defence system and a twin launcher Marte Mk2/N missile system for the anti-ship role. However, in recognition of the growing complexity of operations in the littoral, MBDA is now offering CWSP with an additional capability, namely that provided by Brimstone to counter agile high speed craft operating in potentially large numbers often in well co-ordinated formations. These Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC), when operating together, can overwhelm the defences of well armed naval craft equipped with medium calibre gun systems.

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Superbes vidéos !!! Xav fidèle à sa réputation ;)


Mais quelles particularités pour le VBCI lui aussi apparemment très présent sur le site Nexter ???


Est ce qu'il y a effectivement eu présentation d'une version Acmat Bastion APC HM (haute mobilité) en plus de la version Patsas , comme le dit sans plus de détail FOB ??? ?

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Mais quelles particularités pour le VBCI lui aussi apparemment très présent sur le site Nexter ???


Est ce qu'il y a effectivement eu présentation d'une version Acmat Bastion APC HM (haute mobilité) en plus de la version Patsas , comme le dit sans plus de détail FOB ??? ?

- Je n'ai rien remarqué de special sur le VBCI... il avait le PG Guard de nexter c'est tout (aprés mon truc c'est plutot le naval, pas trop le terrestre)

- Le Bastion APC HM (haute mobilité) etait bien présent mais je crois bien qu'il s'agit de la version "Extreme Mobility" présentée à Eurosatory l'an dernier. Il ne s'agirait que d'un changement de nom... mais à confirmer


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 CTruk unveiled its THOR multi-role force protection craft during DSEI 2013


THOR is currently fitted with Saab's Trackfire RWS 50 cal and 7.62.
It could be fitted with a 20mm cannon such as MSI's Seahawk lightweight.
CTruk is in discussions with MBDA for the possible integration of Brimstone missile on the THOR.

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