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Les stars qui ont servi dans le corps des Marines

Gibbs le Cajun

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J'ouvre se file pour parlé de ses stars US qui ont servi dans le Corps des Marines .


En 1947, McQueen a rejoint le Corps des Marines des États-Unis et a été promu au soldat de première classe et affecté à une unité de Amtrack (Blindé de transport amphibie )  Dans un premier temps, il revint à son esprit de rébellion d'avant, et a été rétrogradé à sept fois . Il  pris une absence non autorisée en omettant de retourner après une absence une fois un   week-end  expiré, rester avec une amie pendant deux semaines jusqu'à ce que la patrouille à terre l'a attrapé. Il a résisté à l'arrestation et a passé 41 jours en cellule. Après cela, McQueen a décidé de concentrer ses énergies sur l'amélioration de soi et d'embrassé la discipline des Marines. Il a sauvé la vie de cinq autres Marines lors d'un exercice dans l'Arctique, les tirant d'un blindé avant qu'il ne passe à travers la glace dans la mer.  Il a été affecté à la garde d'honneur, responsable de la garde puis sur le yacht du président américain Harry Truman .  McQueen servi jusqu'en 1950 quand il a été libéré honorablement. Plus tard, il a dit qu'il avait apprécié son temps dans les Marines





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Lee Marvin


Lee Marvin servit dans le Pacifique ,fut blessé à Saïpan en se prenant une balle dans le fessier (et il ne fuyez pas lol) ,lorsqu'il fut touché ses camarades Marines dirent :Marvin s'en est pris une dans le cul !


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Gene Hackman

s'engage à 16 ans dans les marines ,et sert durant 3 ans  (1947/1950 ).

Il servit comme radio ,en Chine puis à Hawaï ( il fut rétrogradé 3 fois pour absence irrégulière ) .



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Georges C Scott .

L'acteur qui tint le rôle de Patton .




Il servit de 1945 à 1949  au cimetière de Arlington .






Scott Glenn


a servi de 1965 à 1967 dans les Marines .













Harvey Keitel








Il a servit de 1956 à 1959 ,et participa à l'opération Blue Bat au Liban en 1958 comme chef d'une fire team .




On remarquera que ses acteurs ont eu une expérience qui leur a sûrement apporté beaucoup dans le vie d'acteur .


Une anecdote sur Keitel et Scott Glenn  et Christopher Walken :



Christopher Walken est bien connu pour sa capacité à jouer dan un rôle de militaires  notamment dans la séquence Pulp Fiction sur les conséquences de cacher les bijoux de famille en ... eh bien ... les bijoux de famille. Mais il a servi son pays pour de vrai? Walken a été mis sur la sellette à propos de sa carrière militaire par des amis et ex-marines Scott Glenn et Harvey Keitel. M. Keitel et M. Glenn, portant exactement la même chemise noire et un blazer noir combo, partagé un moment de l'homme amour et eu un câlin copieux avant M. Keitel a crié, "Un camarade Marine - nous devons rester ensemble" M. Keitel a appelé à Christopher Walken debout à proximité, "Hey, Walken vous étiez dans les Marines?" Prenant une longue gorgée de vin rouge, l'acteur peu de cendre a répondu avec un sourire, "j'ai étais mais personne ne me croit jamais." (Le Observateur avait un regard et il semble que Walken jamais réellement servi dans les forces armées.)


J'ai fait une traduction google ,donc pas très propre mais on comprend que sa a branché sévère  :happy:




Voilà un petit tour ,il y a d'autres stars qui ont servi mais elles sont moins connu par chez nous ou trop vieille pour avoir était connu par des plus jeunes sur le forum  =) .




George Peppard .





Peppard s'est senrôlé dans le Corps des Marines des Etats-Unis 8 Juillet 1946, et est passé au rang de caporal au 10e Marines,quittant le corps à la fin de sa période d'enrôlement dans Janvier, 1948.





Une liste de nom de célébrité  ,de  gens connu ou pas en France :



Dans la précipitation en me basant sur un lien qui m'a paru bien je viens de m'apercevoir qu'il y a des erreurs dans cette liste :

J'ai rayé les erreurs ,mais il faut que je revérifie encore .


1. Lee Travino, professional golfer
2. Bo Svenson, actor, radio technician USMC 1959-1965, LCpl
3. Lee Marvin, actor, infantryman USMC 1942-1944, PFC
4. George C. Scott, actor, USMC, Cpl
5. Steve McQueen, actor, tanker USMC 1947-1950
6. George Peppard, actor, artillery USMC, Cpl
7. Glenn Ford, actor, USMC 1942-1944, Sgt
8. David Douglas Duncan, photojournalist, USMC 2ndLt. 1943-1946; retired Lt. Col. USMCR
9. Leon Uris, novelist, infantryman USMC, WWII, PFC
10. Anton Myer, novelist, infantryman USMC, WWII
11. Richard Brooks, director, USMC
12. George Roy Hill, producer and director, USMC pilot, WWII, Maj.
13. William Styron, novelist, USMC WWII, Lt.
14. Larry Wilcox, actor, infantryman USMC, Vietnam, Sgt.
15. William Manchester, author, infantryman USMC, Vietnam, Sgt.
16. Tyrone Power, actor, pilot USMC, WWII, Capt.
17. Sterling Hayden, actor and author, USMC, WWII, Pvt., 1942 real name: John Hamilton
18. Jonathan Winters, comedian, USMC, 1943-1946
19. Louis Hayward, actor, infantryman USMC, WWII, Pvt. to Capt.
20. Gerald B. O’Loughlin, actor, engineer officer USMC, WWII and Korea, Pvt. to 1stLt.
21. Art Buchwald, syndicated columnist, author and humorist, USMC, WWII
22. James Whitmore, actor, USMC, WWII
23. Ray Heatherton, singer, band leader and TV personality, pilot USMC, 1943-1945
24. Ted Williams, baseball player, pilot USMC, 2ndLt. 1944-1946, WWII, Capt in Korea 1952-1953
25. MacDonald Carey, actor, USMC
26. James Brady, columnist, USMC
27. Earl Wilson, columnist, USMC
28. Mickay Herakowitz, columnist, USMC
29. Philip Caputo, novelist, infantry officer USMC, Vietnam, 1stLt
30. Loudon Wainwright III, author, columnist and songwriter, USMC, WWII
31. James H. Webb Jr., novelist and Secretary of the Navy, infantry officer, USMC, Vietnam, Capt.
32. Steve Reeves, actor and bodybuilder, USMC
33. Hank Bauer, baseball player, USMC
34. F. Lee Bailey, lawyer, USMC
35. Ken Norton, former Heavyweight champ, Supplyman USMC, 1974-1978, Cpl
36. Vincent Sardi, restaurateur, USMC
37. Fritz Manes, producer, USMC, Korea
38. Wilford Brimley, actor, infantryman USMC, Korea
39. Brian Keith, actor, infantryman (machine gunner) USMC, WWII
40. Harvey Keitel, actor, USMC
41. Robert Ryan, actor, infantryman USMC, WWII
42. Robert Webber, actor, USMC
43. Sam Peckinpah, director, USMC, WWII
44. Freddie Fender, singer, tanker USMC
45. George Carlin, comedian, USMC
46. Pat Roberson, founder/president of CBN, host of the 700 Club, infantry officer USMC, Korea, 1stLt.
47. Gene Hackman, actor, USMC
48. Lloyd Haines, actor, USMC
49. John Glenn, Ohio Senator and astronaut, pilot USMC, Korea, Lt.Col
50. Ed McMahon, TV personality, pilot USMC, WWII, retired Colonel
51. Don and Phil Everly, singers, USMC
52. Bum Phillips, football coach, USMC
53. Donald Yarmy a.k.a. Don Adams, actor, USMC
54. Adlai E. Stevenson III, politician, USMC
55. Mike Mansfield, former senator and ambassador to Japan, USMC 1920
56. Gene Tunney, former Heavyweight champ, USMC
57. Hugh O’Brien, actor, infantryman USMC, WWII
58. Donald Regan, former White House Chief of Staff, WWII, USMC, 1stLt.
59. Billy Mills, Olympic Gold Medal winner (track), USMC, 1stLt.
60. Bill Vaack, baseball team owner, USMC, WWII
61. George Shultz, Secretary of State, USMC officer
62. William “Bud” McFarland, former National Security Advisor, USMC officer
63. Charles S. Robb, Virginia governor, USMC officer, Vietnam
64. John Warner, former senator of Virginia and husband of Elizabeth Taylor, USMC 2ndLt. to Capt Korea.
65. William Broyles, former Newsweek editor and Texas Monthly editor, infantry USMC officer, Vietnam.
66. Robert Wagner, actor, USMC
67. Walt Cunningham, astronaut, pilot USMC
68. Max Gail, actor, USMC
69. Barney Ross, former Middleweight champ, infantryman USMC, WWII
70. Mike Weaver, former Heavyweight champ, USMC, Cpl
71. George Jones, singer, USMC, Cpl
72. James Roosevelt, son of Franklin D. Roosevelt, USMC officer, WWII
73. George McMillan, author, USMC WWII
74. John Gavin, actor and ambassador to Mexico, USMC
75. Frank “Tug” McGraw, baseball player, USMC, Cpl.
76. John Russell, actor, USMC WWII
77. Scott Glenn, actor, drill instructor USMC, SSgt. 
78. Joseph Wambaugh, novelist, USMC
79. Brian Dennehy, actor, USMC
80. Buford Pusser, Tennessee sheriff of McNary County and of “Walking Tall” fame, USMC Cpl.
81. Robert Ludlum, novelist, USMC WWII
82. Warren Oates, actor, USMC
83. Eddie LeBaron, football player, USMC
84. Arthur O. Sulzberger, owner/publisher of the New York Times, Pvt.-Cpl. USMC 1944-1946, 2ndLt.-Capt. 1951-1952, Korea
85. J. Richard Munro, chairman and CEO Time magazine, USMC Korea
86. John A. Meyers, Chairman Time Magazine Group, USMC
87. Bradford Dillman, actor, USMC
88. Clu Galagher, actor, USMC
89. Eddie Egan, actor and former New York City narcotics detective, “The French Connection” was based on his life, USMC
90. Bob Crosby, bandleader, singer, TV star and brother of Bing Crosby, USMC
91. Don Cornelius, host of TV’s “Soul Train”, USMC
92. Mike Connors, actor, USMC
93. Jim Bouton, former baseball player and author, USMC
94. John H. Chafee, former Secretary of the Navy, Pvt. to Pfc. USMC WWII 1942-1945, 2ndLt. to Capt. Korea 1951-1953
95. Robert “Woody” Woodbury, pianist, TV and night club entertainer and comedian, pilot USMC WWII 1944-1946; 2ndLt. to Capt. Korea 1952-1953, honorably released in 1962
96. Christopher George, actor, USMC
97. Carmen Basilio, former Middleweight Champ, USMC
98. Wes Santee, track star, USMC
99. Dave Tork, track star, USMC
100. Jerry Hildebrand, track star, USMC
101. Jack Lewis, journalist and publisher, Public Affairs USMC, WWII, Korea and Vietnam, Pvt. to Lt. Col.
102. Orville Freeman, former Minnesota governor, USMC
103. Jack Hood Vaughn, fmr director of the Peace Corps and ambassador to Panama, infantry USMC, WWII, Pvt. to Capt. 1943-1946
104. Rowland Evans, syndicated columnist, USMC
105. Smith Hempstone, columnist, USMC
106. Walter Murphy, novelist and lawyer, USMC Korea
107. Dan Rather, news anchorman, was medically discharged after 7 weeks of Boot Camp at San Diego
108. Hodding Carter II, former assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs and newspaper editor, USMC
109. Bob Keeshan, actor, of “Captain Kangaroo” fame, USMC
110. William McMillan, Olympic Gold Medal winner (marksmanship), USMC
111. Jack Watson, former White House Chief of Staff under President Jimmy Carter, replacing Hamilton Jordan, USMC
112. Mel Jones, journalist with “Navy Times” USMC, retired MSgt
113. Joseph Foss, former South Dakota governor, pilot USMC, WWII, Medal of Honor recipient.
114. Martin Milner, actor, USMC
115. Al Matthews, actor of 'Aliens' fame, USMC, First black Marine to be meritoriously promoted to Sergeant 
116.Patty Berg, professional golfer, woman USMC
117. Bea Arthur, actress, woman USMC
118. Samia Ellyson-Pope, Public Relations officer for billionaire Howard Hughes, woman USMC
119. Lola Leibrand, mother of Ginger Rogers, woman USMC

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  • 10 months later...

Le fils de l'acteur Gregory Peck  a servi au Vietnam dans les Marines .










LOS ANGELES-Born to Oscar-winning father Gregory Peck, Stephen Peck for a time lived the Hollywood dream and worked in the film industry. However, Peck knew his heart was in another place. "Everyone is surprised to find out about what I'm doing because my father was Gregory Peck and they feel there are many other things I could be doing," says Peck from his downtown office. But Peck took a different road. He was drafted into the U.S. Marine Corps in 1968 after college. "I didn't volunteer. Uncle Sam called me," he says. He served as a lieutenant in the 1st Marine Division near Da Nang from 1969 to 1970.


Stephen J. Peck, who served as a Marine officer in Vietnam, heads the nation's largest nonprofit devoted to provided housing and other essential services to at-risk veterans.
United States Veterans Initiative (U.S.VETS), which opened its first facility in Los Angeles in 1992, has grown to 11 sites in six states and the District of Columbia, serving more than 2,000 veterans a day. Yearly, U.S.VETS helps 3,500 veterans find housing and more than 1,000 veterans gain full-time jobs.

Peck, 65, says he learned in the Marine Corps, "If you don't go where the trouble is, you can't solve the problem." 
As U.S. involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan continue to wind down, the issues of veteran unemployment, homelessness, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injuries have reached critical levels. Eighteen veterans a day commit suicide in the United States.

"Our job at U.S.VETS is to engage the enemy at home -- the enemy of homelessness, disillusionment and disappointment -- to let these men and women know there is a path forward," says Peck.

Peck graduated from Northwestern University in 1968 and entered the Marine Corps that same year. In Vietnam, he was a first lieutenant in the 1st Marine Division, serving as a forward observer outside of Danang in 1969, receiving the Navy Commendation Medal. During his service in Vietnam, his iconic father, actor Gregory Peck, was a very visible opponent of the war.  "My father opposed the war but passionately supported the men who fought in Vietnam," Peck says. "He was one of the first members of the U.S.VETS honorary board of directors, as were several of his very famous friends."  After his service, Peck followed his father into the movie business, devoting his talents to documentary films. Eventually, a series of films on homelessness and veteran's issues compelled him to move from behind the camera to become a full-time advocate.
Peck went to work helping the Veterans Administration place homeless veterans into housing and eventually joined the organization that became U.S.VETS as Director of Community Development in 1996. He was appointed president and CEO in August 2010.  U.S.VETS strives to empower each veteran to take responsibility for his or her success, guiding them towards independence in the community, developing their workforce skills and supporting recovery by maintaining a drug and alcohol free environment at its sites.

Peck earned his Master’s Degree in Social Work from USC in 1997. He has been honored by the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, the USC School of Social Work, the American Legion Auxiliary, and the City of Long Beach.
Peck and his wife, Kristine Kidd, a food writer and culinary consultant, and the former Food Editor of Bon Appetit magazine, live with their Labrador retriever, Atticus, in the Los Angeles community of Topanga Canyon. He has a grown son, Ethan, an actor; and a grown step-daughter, Marisa, a writer.


Ils s'occupent des vétérans actuellement .



Je viens de découvrir que l'acteur Wes Studi a servi comme appelé au Vietnam dans l'Army  ( je ne vais pas limité ce fil à l'USMC ) .

Il est connu pour ces rôles d'indiens ( mais pas que ) :

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According to wiki he was drafted in 1967 and served 18 months in Vietnam. Eighteen months indicates a six month extension.

His own bio says he enlisted:
"Wes joined the U.S. Army and while stationed at Fort Benning, Georgia, stories from returning Vietnam War veterans set his blood on fire. With only 12 months of his six-year service left, Wes volunteered to go to Vietnam. He served one tour in South Vietnam with the 9th Infantry Division in the Mekong Delta, living his own future war stories. At one point his company was pinned down in the Mekong Delta – and nearly killed – by friendly fire."


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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 years later...
Le 31/01/2016 à 11:53, Gibbs le Cajun a dit :

Je viens de découvrir que l'acteur Wes Studi a servi comme appelé au Vietnam dans l'Army  ( je ne vais pas limité ce fil à l'USMC ) .

Je viens de découvrir que l'acteur James Stewart avait été pilote dans les USAAF pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, puis été resté réserviste, jusqu'à finir général de brigade :


Et il a fait une mission en tant que "passager" à bord d'un B-52 au Viêt Nam :

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Je ne suis pas sûr mais il me semble qu'il a quasiment effectué un tour d'opération complet au-dessus de l'Europe occupée. Clark Gable a lui aussi réalisé plusieurs opérations au-dessus de l'Allemagne pour tourner un film de propagande.

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Stewart était pilote civil avant guerre il sera commandant de bord et officier des opérations d'un BG sur B-24 il a fait de mémoire plus de 25 missions au dessus de l'Europe. Il finira sa carrière comme Brigadier Général après avoir volé sur B47 et B52

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