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les allemands, ces petits cachotiers !!!

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En plus du Barracuda allemand, nos cousins germains developpent en catimini les programmes suivants:

Barracuda ou la skal allemande

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  • 2 weeks later...
Invité grinch

The Armiger anti-radar guided missile which is currently being developed within a technology demonstration program has been designed for engaging enemy air defence and ground targets which can be rapidly relocated. Armiger might become the successor to the HARM missile. Small dimensions and low launch mass, high flight velocity (Mach 3) and mission range (up to 200km) as well as precision hit accuracy due to its bispectral seeker and GPS/INS guidance ensure early and reliable elimination of air defence sites. Essential features of this missile are its ARAS seeker head with wide-band radar receiver and IR seeker developed by Diehl BGT Defence in cooperation with EADS for precise terminal attack with direct hit as well as its solid-propellant ramjet for high supersonic flight speed and long range. Armiger can therefore also destroy targets which switch off their radar during the attack or which use electronic countermeasures.

un missile anti-radar

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The Germans have been working on a next-generation ARM for Luftwaffe Tornado-ECR defense-suppression aircraft, which currently use HARM. The new missile, named the "Antiradiation Missile with Intelligent Guidance & Extended Range (ARMIGER)", is being built by BGT of Germany. Current specifications for ARMIGER include:

* Mach 3 performance, using a rocket-ramjet engine that uses an integral solid-fuel booster to get it up to cruise speed and then operates as an airbreathing ramjet. The ramjet is fed by four intakes arranged around the center of the missile and powered by boron fuel from a gas generator.

* Flight control using fins and sideways thrusters.

* A dual-mode seeker featuring RF homing and bispectral imaging infrared (IIR) capabilities. The RF seeker element is to have a wider range than that of the current HARM seeker. The window for the IIR seeker element is inset on the side of the nose at an angle from the direction of flight to reduce friction heating that might confound the sensor. The RF seeker element will be used to get the missile to the target area, while the IIR seeker element will be used for terminal attack.

* A GPS-INS navigation system. It will be preprogrammed with target area coordinates and "forbidden" areas by the launch aircraft before firing.

* A length of 4 meters (13 feet), a diameter of 20 centimeters (8 inches), and a weight of about 225 kilograms (500 pounds). Warhead weight will be only 20 kilograms (44 pounds), but targeting accuracy is expected to be less than a meter, ensuring that the small warhead will still produce a hard kill on the target.

The Germans had been looking for international partners in the program, but in late 2003 the effort seemed run out of steam as the German government began to reconsider the need for the program. The Germans are pacifistic and sometimes pushing through weapons programs can be a hard sell with the public, so what happens to ARMIGER remains uncertain for the moment.

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