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Marché mondial ,futures acquisitions et ventes d'hélicoptères militaires


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The United States State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the United Arab Emirates for 37 Apache AH-64E Helicopters and services, as well as related equipment, training, and support for an estimated cost of $3.5 billion, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announced on December 7, 2016.

The Government of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has requested a possible sale of 28 AH-64E Remanufactured Apache Attack Helicopters; nine new AH-64E Apache Attack Helicopters; 76 T700-GE-701D Engines (56 remanufactured, 18 new, 2 spares); 39 AN/ASQ-170 Modernized Target Acquisition and Designation Sight/AN/AAR-11 Modernized Pilot Night Vision Sensors (28 remanufactured, 9 new, 2 spares); 32 remanufactured AN/APR-48B Modernized – Radar Frequency Interferometers 46 AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems (31 remanufactured, 9 new, 6 spares); 88 Embedded Global Positioning Systems with Inertial Navigation (72 new, 16 spares); 44 Manned-Unmanned Teaming-International (MUMTi) systems (28 remanufactured, 9 new, 7 spares); and 15 new MUMTi System Upper Receivers. This request also includes training devices, helmets, simulators, generators, transportation, wheeled vehicles and organization equipment, spare and repair parts, support equipment, tools and test equipment, technical data and publications, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor engineering, technical, and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support. Total estimated program cost is $3.5 billion.

"The proposed sale will improve the UAE’s capability to meet current and future threats and provide greater security for its critical infrastructure. The UAE will use the enhanced capability to strengthen its homeland defense," the DSCA said.

"The prime contractor will be Boeing in Mesa, AZ and Lockheed Martin in Orlando, FL. Offsets are a requirement of doing business in UAE; however offsets are negotiated directly between the Original Equipment Manufactures or other vendors and the UAE government and details are not known at this time," the Agency added.



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Il y a 16 heures, Conan le Barbare a dit :

Sacrée carrière commerciale pour cet hélico !

Attention, ce sont des Apache E Guardian, la toute dernière version, dernier standard.

Le Département d’État des USA va soumettre l'approbation du Congrès US pour la vente de 48 CH-47F Chinook à l’Arabie Saoudite.


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  • 2 weeks later...

H225M Caracal en Asie

Inde :L’Indian Coast Guard hésite entre acheter 14 Caracal ou bien autant de Sikorsky S-92, afin de remplacer les Sea King affectés à cette tâche depuis plus de trente ans. Mais rien n’est décidé.

Singapour aurait manifesté une option pour une seconde tranche de Caracal susceptible de porter sa flotte à plus d’une trentaine, voire une quarantaine de machines au total.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Le 18/01/2017 à 12:42, LunchTime a dit :

Deux hélicoptères se déplacent sur des camions sur l'autoroute A1 dans le sud de Pologne. La forme ressemble à une famille Puma.

Quelques idées quel type d’helicopter et où il va?


C'est un H225/H225M, on reconnaît le caisson sous la queue de l'appareil.

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Il y a 2 heures, Teenytoon a dit :

Je croyais que CHC avait déclaré ne plus vouloir utiliser les H225 suite au dernier crash. Je dois me tromper de compagnie.

Heli-One à Rzeszow est le centre de service d'hélicoptère. Regardez la liste des clients, pas seulement la flotte CHC Helicopters.


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