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QinetiQ Zephyr UAV vol pour 54 hours - un nouveau record du monde?

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Solar plane flies into the night

By Jonathan Fildes

Science and technology reporter, BBC News

Image IPB

Zephyr reached a maximum altitude of more than 58,000ft (18,000m)

A lightweight solar-powered plane has smashed the official world record for the longest-duration unmanned flight.

UK defence firm Qinetiq, which built the Zephyr unmanned aerial vehicle, said it flew for 54 hours during tests.

The researchers believe it is the first time a solar-powered craft has flown under its own power through two nights.

The previous unmanned endurance record was set in 2001 by a jet-powered US Air Force Global Hawk surveillance aircraft which flew for more than 30 hours.

The Zephyr's 54-hour endurance flight will not enter the record books because representatives from the world air sports federation - the FAI - were not notified about the secretive test.

However, they were informed about a second, 33-hour flight which could still become an official record.

Zephyr's development team say that whatever the result, it believes it has built a record breaker.

"This aeroplane is going to go a lot higher and a lot further," Chris Kelleher, Zephyr's technical director and "pilot", told the BBC News website. "You ain't seen nothing yet."

Night flight

Zephyr was originally developed to take pictures of a giant helium balloon that attempted to break the world altitude record for a manned envelope in 2003.

Find out more about Zephyr

The attempt was shelved after the Qinetiq 1 balloon sprang a leak.

Image IPB

However, the defence firm has continued to develop the "strato-plane" for military applications, as well as for Earth-observation and communications.

The latest tests took place at the US military White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

On the first flight, the aircraft, which has a wingspan of 18m (59ft), flew for more than two days before it developed a fault. The second, shorter flight was curtailed when thunderstorms threatened the propeller-driven plane.

"What was proved - and what was a world first - was that the aircraft was flown using its solar electrical power system through two complete diurnal cycles," said Paul Davey, Zephyr's business development director.

"The aircraft was flown on solar power and charged its batteries during the day, discharged its batteries during the night, and remained aloft the following dawn when the cycle was repeated."

During the flights, Zephyr reached a maximum altitude of more than 58,000ft (18,000m).

Record bid

The plane is launched by hand and is flown manually to 10,000ft (3,000m).

"On the ground we have all of the instrumentation a pilot would see on a manned plane," explained Mr Kelleher.

Image IPB

The current record holder is Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk

"We have a basic instrument panel, we have a forward-looking view [from a camera], and we have all of the telemetry coming down to us."

An autopilot took over the controls for the remainder of the tests.

Although, the first flight was more than 20 hours longer than the current record, it will not enter the record books. The Qinetiq team did not pre-notify the FAI (Federation Aeronautique Internationale) of its first flight, a requirement of an official world record.

And, although they did notify the body of the second flight, no FAI official was present to oversee it. "The record attempt was announced very late," said an FAI spokesperson.

However, the Qinetiq team believes that air traffic controllers at the White Sands base will verify the 33-hour, 43-minute flight, which took place on the 31 August.

The FAI spokesperson said the organisation was waiting for details of the tests to be submitted.

Planetary explorer

Zephyr is not the first solar-powered plane to fly through the night.

Image IPB

Helios broke up over the Pacific, west of the Hawaiian island of Kauai

A craft called SoLong, developed by US firm AC propulsion, flew for 48 hours in 2005.

However, unlike Zephyr, the craft was not under constant power for the duration of the flight. Instead, it occasionally had to glide or soar.

Other companies and organisations have also developed similar craft.

The US space agency Nasa developed both the Pathfinder and Helios vehicles.

The agency believed the vehicles could one day be used as a replacement for satellites or as unmanned drones to explore other planets such as Mars.

Helios, the successor of Pathfinder, set an altitude record in 2001 for a non-rocket-powered winged aircraft when it climbed to 96,863 feet (29.5km).

But in 2003, the vehicle broke up on a flight from the US Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility on the Hawaiian island of Kauai.

Fragile cargo

Others currently building solar-powered planes include Swiitzerland's ETH.

Its experimental Sky-Sailor craft is much smaller than Zephyr, with a wingspan of just 3.2m (10ft), and is designed for use on Mars.

All of these prototype vehicles have flown autonomously or controlled by a pilot on the ground.

But in 2010, Swiss balloonist Bertrand Piccard plans to launch Solar Impulse, a manned plane in which he will attempt to circumnavigate the globe.

To carry the precious payload, the craft will have a huge wingspan of 80m (262ft), wider than the wings of the Airbus A380.

As the plane is piloted by only one person at a time, it will have to make frequent stopovers. The current plan is for the journey to be broken into five legs each lasting between four or five days.


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  • 11 months later...

QinetiQ veux que le Zephyr vol pour 3 mois plus tard. Des essais pour un vol de 3 mois vont faire en 2009. Il est un prototype, mais un UAV similair etait vendu au Belgique.

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3 mois ?!?

Record absolu d'endurance non? Même les ballons ayant fait le tour du monde ne volaient pas aussi longtemps il me semble.

Les ballon a gaz on des probleme de fuite ... les gaz léger sont des molécule tres petite qu'il est bien difficile de confiner ... résultat des course les ballon a l'helium perde rapidement leur gaz meme avec l'enveloppe la plus etanche qu'on connaissent ... pas moyen de passer des semaine en l'air sauf a organiser le regonflage a l'helium.

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3 mois ?!?

Record absolu d'endurance non? Même les ballons ayant fait le tour du monde ne volaient pas aussi longtemps il me semble.

Oui, c'est le target. On a fait deja presque 4 jours (96 hours) et QinetiQ develope en moment un nouveau version du Zephyr pour des vols encore plus longs.


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  • 7 years later...

De l'eau a coulé sous les ponts .... Airbus a racheté Qinetiq UK !  et a avancé dans les tests de la formule HAPS  Hight altitude Pseudo Satellite  en 2014

et en 2016:

"Airbus Defence and Space s’est vu attribuer par le ministère britannique de la Défense un contrat portant sur la fabrication et l’exploitation de deux pseudolites à haute altitude (HAPS) Zephyr 8 alimentés à l’énergie solaire.  Évoluant à une altitude de 65 000 ft (près de 20 000 mètres), le Zephyr 8 ultra léger est le seul pseudolite doté de liaisons de communication capable d’assurer la surveillance maritime et terrestre permanente d’une zone définie pendant plusieurs mois sans atterrir..."

Belle bête !  28 mètres d'envergure !  "Zephyr 8 is now under development and will be bigger still, with a 28 metre wingspan."  dixit

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  • 3 years later...

Depuis le fil initial de Rob, l'aventure du Pseudolite Zéphyr a continué encore  avec la présentation officielle en juillet 2018 des appareils de série :


Farnborough, le 16 juillet 2018 – Airbus Defence and Space a présenté ce matin au salon aéronautique de Farnborough son nouveau pseudolite à haute altitude Zephyr S. Il s’agit du premier appareil de série du programme Zephyr, les précédents exemplaires étant des prototypes de développement.


Zephyr est le premier drone stratosphérique solaire-électrique au monde. Fonctionnant exclusivement à l’énergie solaire, il capte les rayons du soleil et évolue au-dessus des intempéries et du trafic aérien conventionnel, comblant ainsi certaines lacunes capacitaires et complétant les satellites, les drones et les avions, tout en fournissant des services locaux, économiques et continus, comparables à ceux des satellites.


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  • 6 months later...

La Marine Nationale  souhaite expérimenter le ZEPHIR ( Qinetic, devenu AIRBUS ) :

Changer le titre de ce fil ??  est-ce possible ?? Mentionner : "pseudo-satellite" 


Un pseudo-satellite « vole à 30.000 mètres d’altitude et peut rester des semaines en l’air. Il avance assez lentement, sa charge utile est assez faible, mais il va à la vitesse d’un bateau : il pourrait donc suivre une force navale, me servir, de façon assez discrète, de relais de télécommunications, mais aussi, de point d’observation afin de relever tous les transpondeurs, en voyant plus loin », a ainsi affirmé l’amiral Prazuck. « Ce peut être un outil moins onéreux, plus mobile et peut-être plus discret qu’un satellite »

« J’espère donc que nous pourrons assez rapidement tester ce type d’engins, qu’il s’agisse de ce planeur solaire ou du fameux ballon de très haute altitude [le Stratobus, ndlr], et les faire fonctionner au-dessus de nos bateaux, soit pour l’observation, soit pour servir de relais de communication », a conclu le CEMM

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Il y a 8 heures, Bechar06 a dit :

La Marine Nationale  souhaite expérimenter le ZEPHIR ( Qinetic, devenu AIRBUS ) :

Changer le titre de ce fil ??  est-ce possible ?? Mentionner : "pseudo-satellite" 

Utiliser le Zephyr comme un relai de communication pour les hordes de munitions intelligentes et rodeuses du SCAF ?

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  • 1 year later...

Nouvelles très indirectes du ZEPHIR ... pour lequel on reste sans nouvelle ?           

La DLR Deutsch... homologue de l'ONERA ( homo ?  pareil  ??  copain ou concurrent ? )   présente le concurrent du Zéphir de AIRBUS DS : le ALPHA , plateforme HAP High Altitude Platform à applications civilo-militaires 

Bon ça reste modeste : 

"en mesure de voler à une altitude de 20 000 mètres pendant une longue période de temps et ce, en transportant une charge utile de 5 kilos. Son poids de 36 kilos, très faible, est dû à l’utilisation intensive de polymères renforcés de fibres de carbone. Sont également conçus les futures charges utiles de l’Alpha qui disposera d’un radar d'imagerie SAR (High-Altitude Platform Synthetic Aperture Radar) et d’une caméra aérienne (Modular Aerial Camera System High-Altitude Platform). La station au sol mobile pourra assurer une communication sécurisée avec l’Alpha à plus de 100 kilomètres de distance. "

Tandis que le Zéphir S est à 75 kg   (  )

Pour les DETAILS

Quand l'Allemagne s'éveille 

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