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Les États-Unis lancent un énorme satellite-espion

La communauté américaine du renseignement a fait un joli cadeau à Barack Obama : à trois jours de sa prise de fonction, elle a fait lancer samedi soir de Cap Canaveral (Floride) par une fusée Delta 4-Heavy l'un des plus gros satellites d'interception électronique jamais mis en orbite. Officiellement, il ne s'appelle que USA-202 (anciennement NROL-26), mais les seules choses que l'on sait de lui sont ébouriffantes : il pèse sans doute près de six tonnes, et son antenne déployable atteindrait 105 mètres de diamètre. Il a été placé sur une orbite géosynchrone sur laquelle aucune information n'est pour l'instant disponible.

Son modèle est également inconnu. Il s'agirait soit d'un Advanced Orion, dont trois exemplaires ont été lancés ( USA-110 le 14 mai 1995, USA-139 le 9 mai 1998 et USA-171 le 9 septembre 2003), soit d'un nouveau modèle de Mentor aux caractéristiques floues . Les satellites-espions sont gérés par le NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) , qui transmet les informations recueillies, lorsqu'il s'agit d'interceptions électroniques, pour l'essentiel à la NSA (National Security Agency) . En Europe, les Français sont les seuls à pratiquer l'interception spatiale des télécommunications. Ils disposent pour cela d'une petite constellation de quatre satellites, ESSAIM , chacun de la taille d'une machine à laver et pesant une centaine de kilos.

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Si l'on voulait être exaustif, on pourrait aussi préciser que certaines des informations récupérées le seront pour le compte des membres du Traité UKUSA.

Donc l'Angleterre aura des informations et dans une moindre mesure des partenaires mineurs (Norvège, Allemagne ,Turquie).

Il est donc exagéré, pour le Point, de dire qu'en Europe, seule la France est capable d'intercepter les communications. D'autant plus que le système est encore expérimental.

Mais il est vrai que la France a une capacité indépendante sur le sujet...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Je vous laisse imaginer si l'utilisation d'arme spatiale n'était pas prohibé ce que les américains serait capable de nous coller sur la tête à la vue de la bête de reco !

Enfin bref, un nouveau joujou d'interception en plus et si après cela il nous ponde encore des salades sur des "activités graves" et qu'elles sont fausses ça va certainement bardé côté administration d'état américain.

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Je vous laisse imaginer si l'utilisation d'arme spatiale n'était pas prohibé ce que les américains serait capable de nous coller sur la tête à la vue de la bête de reco !

Je vais faire mon "complotiste" bien que je ne partage generalement pas ce genre d'idee, mais c'est voir les americains plus gentils qu'ils ne sont que de croire que parce que c'est prohibe, ils ne font rien...

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  • 1 year later...

Un projet de satellite geologique plongeant a 5km dans la croute terrestre ... meme les taupes ne sont plus a l'abri des américains :lol:

The Pentagon’s science fringe has been trying to lord over the natural elements for years now. They’ve talked about planet hacking and screwing with enemy climates, and they still want to harness the power of lightning.

This year, military science has more of an “all-encompassing” goal for global mastery. As part of its budget for the upcoming fiscal year, Pentagon extreme research agency Darpa is launching the “Transparent Earth” project. They’ll invest $4 million into the creation of real-time, 3-D maps that display “the physical, chemical and dynamic properties of the earth down to 5 kilometer depth.”

At first, the idea doesn’t sound all that impressive. The earth is more than 3,500 miles deep, from crust to core, so Darpa’s plan would literally just scratch at the surface. But geologists and geophysicists still know very little about the day-to-day goings-on underground, even at a depth as shallow as 5 km (that’s 3.1 miles). The deepest drilling of the planet was a Soviet hole on the Kola Peninsula, which took 19 years and made it around 7.5 miles into the crust, and even NASA still uses land-based GPS signals to predict volcanic eruptions.

Rather than a mega-drill, Darpa wants to harness innovations in sensor technology to develop a constantly-updating model of planetary activity. They’ll use sensors to detect “natural indicators of subsurface activity,” and then take advantage of mathematical algorithms designed to estimate various natural earthly phenomena, including geophysical turbulence and shifting tectonic plates.

Algorithms are already used in planetary mapping and predictive science, but adding high-tech sensors would provide a constant stream of new data. And that kind of accuracy could have serious planetary implications: Changes in the earth’s crust can explain and predict volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and even the formation of mountain ranges.

After they successfully combine sensors and mathematics, Darpa’s end goal would put even NASA’s satellite footage to shame:

    A global three-dimensional picture of the earth’s subsurface with variable spatial, temporal, and information resolution, allowing changes at local scales to propagate through both physical models and proximity rules to update the global picture.

So maybe Darpa wants to protect civilian populations from the ravages of natural disasters. But those same tools could be used for military purposes against enemies, suspects one unnamed geoscientist. “All of my ’science is good!’ tree-hugging comments aside, what this program is probably really about is detecting, targeting, and destroying hard and buried underground facility (UGF) targets,” he said.

Whatever Darpa’s intention, they want their transparent earth sooner rather than later: The agency anticipates that the new 3-D models will be available to the Army, Air Force, special operations and intelligence agencies by 2015.

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  • 3 weeks later...

ARTE passe actuellement un documentaire sur les activité spatiales militaires US :

''Pax Americana'',CmC=3080418,scheduleId=3054338.html

Mais j'ai des doutes sur les chiffres indiqués concernant la nationalité des satellites en orbite à 9 minutes du film, la France en aurait moins que le Luxembourg  :lol: :

~ 1 000 satellites ops

* France : 1,1 %

* Luxembourg : 1,4 %

* Canada : 1,6 %

* Allemagne : 1,7 %

* Inde : 2,1 %

* Royaume-Uni : 2,3 %

* Japon : 4,1 %

* Chine : 5,0 %

* Russie : 9,7 %

* USA : 48,9 % (moitié civil, moitié militaire)

* Reste du monde : 22 %

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SES ASTRA TechCom S.A., 41 satellites  :O

En Europe les prestation a distance sont taxé a la TVA du l'émetteur et pas du client ... d'ou l'interet de "diffuser" du luxembourg :)

C'est la meme chose pour la plupart des téléservice, genre "apple store", et autre téléchargements payant...

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Pour en revenir aux chiffres donné dans le documentaire, l'auteur n'a sans pas pensé à ce ''pavillon de complaisance''  ;)

On n'apprend pas tellement de nouveautés et il est lent à démarre (la prêche d'un pasteur sur la ''pax romana''  et ce qui s'en suit est vraiment ''philosophique''...).

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Will Video From Space Dim UAV's Star?

If we've learned something these last couple of years, it's that the warfighter wants video. But what if you can't fly a UAV over hostile territory? How about real-time, tactical video from a satellite in geosynchronous orbit? That's the objective of a new US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency program - Membrane Optic Imager Real-time Explotation, or MOIRE.

MOIRE is looking to develop large, lightweight, deployable diffractive membrane optics - basically a wafer-thin lens that unfurls in space - for a geosynchronous imaging satellite. The goal is to fly a 10-meter membrane in Phase 3 of the program, to demonstrate the technology for an operational 20-meter system capable of providing visible-wavelength imagery of "denied areas".

According to DARPA, an operational satellite would be able to image an area of more than 100km² at least once a second, with "NIIRS 3.5+" performance - which equates to a ground resolution better than 2.5 meters, enough to identify aircraft, ships, helipads, radars and other key features. DARPA also wants to be able to detect vehicles moving at highway speeds.

Low cost is another goal, but with a "not-to-exceed" cost target of $500 million a copy, a geosynchronous real-time imaging satellite will be far from cheap. DARPA, meanwhile, has scheduled a MOIRE proposers' day for interested bidders on March 12 in Washington.

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  • 2 years later...

Tiens, à propos des satellites SIGINT géosynchrones...

The new information about the intelligence satellite comes from a declassified transcript of a speech given by former National Reconnaissance Office Director Donald Kerr at an NRO town hall meeting in December 2006 and released to In a partially censored section of the transcript Kerr referred to the “25th birthday” of a satellite system. The NRO had celebrated this event both at its headquarters near Dulles International Airport in Virginia, and at another location, probably an overseas ground site. “It’s extraordinary that this machine born in the analog age is still serving the country in the digital age,” Kerr said. The mission of the satellite is deleted, but Kerr said, “It had to go to war with one of our allies shortly after launch and supported the United Kingdom in the Falklands War. It then came back, in fact to the central Asian theater, and provided notable service there. Now it’s covering the sub-continent India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, still doing significant work. It had a mean mission life of three or four years. Here we are 25 years later and it’s a tribute to the designers and more importantly those that have nursed it along as it displayed all of the symptoms of old age many times over.”...


As for that VORTEX, it was apparently still working as late as 2009. At the 2009 GEOINT Symposium, Director of the NRO Bruce Carlson mentioned an old spacecraft. “We have a satellite up there that is ten times older than we expected it to be. It has been up there this long [extends his arms out wide] and it has been up there this long [extends his arms out farther] and it’s still working. We expected it to do a mission that had to do with strategic, long-haul communications and today it’s helping us kill bad guys in the AOR [Afghanistan Area of Responsibility]. Now that’s as specific as I can get. But we do that because of the incredible contractor and NRO team that we have that nurses that satellite along and the young people that write software to change its functionality and keep it going.”

28 ans et toujours en service ?  :O

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